ও পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word ওষ্ঠ English definition (noun) the upper lip; any of the lips. ওষ্ঠাধর (noun) (plural) the two lips—upper and lower.
- Bengali Word ওষ্ঠাগত English definition (adjective) what has neared the lips in order to come out; (figurative) at the last gasp. ওষ্ঠাগতপ্রাণ (adjective) at the last gasp; at the point of death.
- Bengali Word ওসিয়ত English definition = অসিয়ত
- Bengali Word ওস্তাগর English definition [Persian] (noun) art efficient artisan; a master artisan/mason/tailor.
- Bengali Word ওস্তাদ English definition [Arabic, Persian] (noun) master (in any art); preceptor; leader. (adjective) adept; expert. ওস্তাদি (noun) mastery (of an art); skill; efficiency. ওস্তাদি করা (verb transitive) parade one’s skill/ability; show off one’s tricks.
- Bengali Word ওহাবি, ওয়াহাবি English definition [Arabic] (noun) follower of Abdul Wahab, the 18th century religious leader of Arabia; Wahabi sect.
- Bengali Word ওহি, ওহী English definition [Arabic] (noun) Revelation from the Supreme Being to His prophets.
- Bengali Word ওহে English definition (interjection) used in addressing: hallo! Holla! Ho!.
- Bengali Word ওহো English definition (interjection) expressing recollection, surprise, amazement, regret, etc; good heavens! good gracious!
- Bengali Word ওড়না English definition (noun) modesty scarf for women.
- Bengali Word ওড়া English definition = উড়া
- Bengali Word ওয়াকিফ, ওয়াকেব English definition [Arabic] (adjective), (noun) one who knows; informed; experienced. ওয়াকিফহাল one having particular knowledge about (something).
- Bengali Word ওয়াক্ত English definition [Arabic] (noun) appointed hours for five-time canonical prayers.
- Bengali Word ওয়াক্ফ English definition [Arabic] (noun) charitable or religious endowment under Muslim law. ওয়াক্ফনামা deed of endowment.
- Bengali Word ওয়াজ English definition [Arabic] (noun) religious sermon; lecture on religious subjects. ওয়াজনসিহত (noun) lectures and instructions on religion.
- Bengali Word ওয়াজিব, ওয়াজেব English definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) just; proper; right. (2) bounden; obligatory: ওয়াজিব নামাজ. (3) necessary; essential.
- Bengali Word ওয়াট English definition [English (noun) unit of electrical power; watt (after James Watt, the inventor).
- Bengali Word ওয়াতন English definition [Arabic] (noun) birth-place; mother land.
- Bengali Word ওয়াদা English definition [Arabic] (noun) a pledge; a promise.
- Bengali Word ওয়াপস English definition [Persian] (noun) act of coming back; return.