ঠ পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word ঠুক English definition (interjection) denoting a gentle stroke or a mild sound by a knock. ঠুক ঠুক repetition of this sound. ঠুক ঠুক করে (adverb) by mild strokes.
- Bengali Word ঠুকরানো English definition = ঠোকরানো
- Bengali Word ঠুকা English definition = ঠোকা
- Bengali Word ঠুঙি English definition (noun) a small container or carton (chiefly bowl-shaped) made of tree leaves or paper, a cornet.
- Bengali Word ঠুটা English definition = ঠুঁটা
- Bengali Word ঠুন English definition (interjection) denoting a low ringing sound.
- Bengali Word ঠুনকা ১, ঠুনকো ১ English definition (adjective) (1) not tough or tenacious; apt to break; brittle; fragile. (2) (figurative) worthless; trashy; useless.
- Bengali Word ঠুনকা ২, ঠুনকো ২ English definition (noun) a kind of breast-disease occurring in parturient weman.
- Bengali Word ঠুমকি English definition (noun) a mode or posture of dancing.
- Bengali Word ঠুলি English definition (noun) a flap to prevent an animal from seeing; a blinker; a blind. ঠুলি দেওয়া (verb intransitive) hoodwink.
- Bengali Word ঠুস English definition (interjection) denoting a light sound: ঠুস করে পড়া, fall with a sound; ঠুস করে ভেঙ্গে যাওয়া, break easily. ঠুসঠাস (interjection) denoting the sound of beating: ঠুসঠাস করে মারা.
- Bengali Word ঠুসা, ঠোসা English definition (verb transitive) (1) thrust in forcibly; cram; stuff. (2) eat overmuch. (3) beat profusely.
- Bengali Word ঠুসি English definition (noun) pustule or bladder-like protuberance on the skin containing watery matter; a blister.
- Bengali Word ঠেং English definition = ঠ্যাং
- Bengali Word ঠেক, ঠেকনা English definition (noun) a pole or post used as a saluting support to prevent a thing from falling; a stanchion; a prop; a lean-to. ঠেক দেওয়া (verb transitive) (1) support by a slanting; prop. (2) (figurative) give a temporary support for living.
- Bengali Word ঠেকা ১ English definition (noun) want; need; difficulty: ঠেকায় পড়া. ঠেকাঠেকি (noun) hardship; financial stringency.
- Bengali Word ঠেকা ২ English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) come in contact with; touch: পায়ে ঠেকা. (2) reach and stop at: তীরে গিয়ে ঠেকলো. (3) have the sense of; feel: খারাপ ঠেকা. (4) come down; diminish: আয় শূন্যের কোঠায় ঠেকেছে. (5) dash against: পিঠ দেয়ালে ঠেকে গেল. (6) be entangled/involved: বিপদে ঠেকা. দায়ে ঠেকা (verb intransitive) get into a serape. ঠেকে শেখা learn by experience. চোখে ঠেকা (verb intransitive) look unseemly. ঠেকানো (verb transitive) (1) cause to reach/touch. (2) prevent; check. ঠেকানো দায় It is difficult to counter/ check/ stop.
- Bengali Word ঠেঙ্গা, ঠেঙা English definition (noun) a staff; a stave; a heavy stick or club; a wooden or bamboo pole: লাঠিঠেকা. ঠেঙ্গামারা (verb intransitive) belabour or thump with a staff. ঠেঙ্গানো = ঠেঙ্গামারা. ঠেঙ্গানি (noun) striking or beating with a club. ঠেঙ্গাঠেঙ্গি (noun) fighting with staves. ঠেঙ্গাঠেঙ্গি করা (verb intransitive) strike one another with clubs.
- Bengali Word ঠেলা, ঠ্যালা English definition (noun) (1) a push; a thrust; a shove: ঠেলা মারা. (2) a difficult task; a crisis; a danger: ঠেলায় পড়া. (3) a hand-barrow; a push cart: ঠেলাগাড়ি. (verb transitive) (1) push; thrust; shove. ঠেলা দেওয়া/মারা give a push. ঠেলা সামলানো (verb intransitive) cope with a difficult situation; grapple in a tough situation. ঠেলার নাম বাবাজি (figurative) A cat in a mesh calls the mouse its brother. ঠেলাঠেলি pushing and shoving of a crowd; jostling each other. ঠেলাঠেলি করা (verb intransitive) push and shove.
- Bengali Word ঠেস English definition (noun) (1) act of leaning against; a reclining position; recumbence: দেয়ালে ঠেস দেওয়া. (2) anything to lean against: চেয়ারের ঠেস. (3) an insinuating remark; a reflection: ঠেস দিয়ে কথা বলা.