প পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word পক্ষী English definition (noun) bird. পক্ষীমার (noun) fouler.
- Bengali Word পক্ষীয় English definition (adjective) of/ concerning a party; belonging to a party; siding with; taking the side/ party of. পক্ষোদ্গম, পক্ষোদ্ভেদ (noun) fledging. পক্ষোদ্গম/ পক্ষোদ্ভেদ হওয়া (verb intransitive) be fledged.
- Bengali Word পক্ষ্ম English definition (noun) (1) eyelash. (2) feather. পক্ষ্মমণ্ডল (noun) circle of the eyelashes. পক্ষ্মসম্পাত (noun) closing of the eyes; instant. পক্ষ্মস্পন্দ (noun) quivering of the eyelashes.
- Bengali Word পগার English definition (noun) ditch/drain (marking the boundary of a tract of land). পগার পার হওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) leap over/cross a ditch. (2) (figurative) make good one’s escape; get away; run away beyond reach.
- Bengali Word পঙ্ক English definition (noun) (1) mud; mire; clay; dirt. (2) ointment; unguent; paste. (3) moral impurity; vice. (4) (biology) protoplasm. (5) (geog) silt. (6) (arch) finial. পঙ্কজ (adjective) mud-born. (noun) lotus. পঙ্কজা (feminine). পঙ্কজন্ম (noun) ‘lotus-born’; Brahma. পঙ্কজ নয়ন, পঙ্কজ নেত্র, পঙ্কজাক্ষি (adjective(s) lotus-eyed পঙ্ক নয়না, পঙ্কনেত্রা (feminine). পঙ্কজাত (adjective) born/grown in mud. পঙ্কজিনী (noun) (1) lotus-pond. (2) lotus plant; clump/ cluster of lotuses; lotus-stalk. পঙ্কতা (noun) muddiness. পঙ্করুহ (noun) lotus.
- Bengali Word পঙ্কিল English definition (adjective) muddy; covered with mud; miry; turbid; dirty; nasty; vicious; filthy. পঙ্কিলতা (noun) muddiness; turbidity; sloppy; filthiness; viciousness.
- Bengali Word পঙ্কোদ্ধার English definition (noun) (1) dredging (of a river). (2) cleansing; purification; correction; rectification. (3) clearing up a mess. (4) reclamation from vice. পঙ্কোদ্ধার করা (verb intransitive) (1) dredge. (2) clear up the mess. (3) cleanse; purify. (4) reclaim from vice.
- Bengali Word পঙ্ক্ষী English definition (noun) (1) (dialect) bird. (2) (slang) ganja-smoker and teller of cock-and-bull stories.
- Bengali Word পঙ্গ English definition (noun) locust. পঙ্গপাল (noun) (1) swarm of locusts. (2) (figurative) huge crowd.
- Bengali Word পঙ্গু English definition (adjective) lame; crippled in the legs; disabled; rendered powerless. (noun) cripple. পঙ্গুতা (noun) lameness; motionless; invalidity; incapacity; disablement.
- Bengali Word পঙ্ক্তি English definition (noun) row; set; series; line; group. পঙ্ক্তিদূষক (noun) (adjective) (any person) improper to associate with. পঙ্ক্তিভোজন (noun) community-dining; community dinner. পঙ্ক্তিমালা (noun) lines; verses.
- Bengali Word পচ English definition (noun) rotting; putrefaction; decay; decomposition. পচ ধরা (verb intransitive) begin to rot/ decay/ putrefy/ decompose/ spoil; fester; become septic.
- Bengali Word পচন English definition (noun) (1)= noun) rotting; putrefaction; decay; decomposition. (2) sepsis. (3) cooking. পচন ধরা = পচ ধরা ( পচ). পচন নিবারক (adjective) antiseptic. পচনশীল (adjective) (1) likely to go bad/decay quickly; perishable. (2) rotting; decaying; decomposing; putrescent. (3) (getting) septic.
- Bengali Word পচপচ English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) expressing the sound of walking on mud.
- Bengali Word পচা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) rot; putrefy; decay; decompose; go bad; spoil. (2) become septic; tester. (3) become hackneyed. (adjective) (1) rotten; putrid; putrefied; decayed; decomposed; spoiled; gone bad. (2) addled: পচা ডিম. (3) septic; festering. (4) (figurative) hackneyed; stale: পচা খবর. (5) ugly bad; shabby: পচা চেহারা, পচা কাপড়-চোপড়. পচাকাল (verb intransitive) vile/ putrefying weather; rainy season. পচাগলা (adjective) putrefied; decomposed. পচা ভাদ্র/পচা ভাদ্দর (noun) humid and sweltering month of Bhadra. পচাই (noun) a liquor distilled from rice; arrack. পচানি (noun) putrefaction; morbid discharge; purulence; sepsis; festering. পচানো (verb intransitive) (1) rot; putrefy; decompose; spoil. (2) make septic. পচ্য (adjective) to be cooked; digestible.
- Bengali Word পচাল English definition (noun) volubility; blabber; blather idle talk; tittle-tattle; prattle; ramble. পচাল পাড়া (verb intransitive) be voluble; blabber (on); blather (on); tittle-tattle; talk nineteen to the dozen; talk the hind leg off a donkey; ramble on; prattle on.
- Bengali Word পচ্চীকারী English definition (noun) mosaic.
- Bengali Word পছন্দ English definition choice; preference; approval; selection; approbation; liking. (adjective) chosen; liked; favourite; approved; selected. পছন্দ করা (verb transitive) like; choose; select; prefer; approve. পছন্দ মাফিক, পছন্দ সই (adjective) to one’s liking; choice; select; pleasing; desirable.
- Bengali Word পঞ্চ English definition (noun), (adjective) five. পঞ্চক (adjective) relating to/made of five. (noun) set/collection/aggregate of five; pentad; quintet; five percent. পঞ্চকর্ম (noun) five kinds of treatment in medicine. পঞ্চকর্মেন্দ্রিয় (noun) five organs to work with (tongue, hands, feet, rectum and genitals). পঞ্চকষায় (noun) a decoction from the astringent bark of five different tree’s. পঞ্চকোণ (adjective) pentangular; pentagonal. (noun) pentagon. পঞ্চকোণী (adjective) = পঞ্চকোণ. পঞ্চকোষ (noun) five spills supped to invest the soul. পঞ্চগব্য (noun) five products of the cow (milk, coagulated milk, butter, liquid and solid excreta). পঞ্চগুণ (adjective) five times; fivefold. (noun) five attributes/qualities (form, taste, smell, touch, sound). পঞ্চগৌড় (noun) collective name of Gaud, Mithila, Utkal, Kanauj and the region situated on the bank of the river Saraswati. পঞ্চচত্বারিংশ (adjective) forty-fifth. পঞ্চচত্বারিংশৎ (noun), (adjective) forty-five. পঞ্চচত্বারিংশত্তম (adjective) forty-fifth. পঞ্চচত্বারিংশত্তমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চচূড় (adjective) having five tufts of hair. পঞ্চজন (noun) (1) five elements. (2) man; mankind. পঞ্চজনীন (noun) actor; buffoon. পঞ্চজ্ঞানেন্দিয় (noun) five-sense-organs. পঞ্চতপা (adjective) (of an ascetic) sitting between the five fires (in self-modification). পঞ্চতা = পঞ্চত্ব. পঞ্চতিক্ত (noun) five bitter things. পঞ্চত্রিংশ (adjective) thirty-fifth. পঞ্চত্রিংশৎ (noun), (adjective) thirty-five. পঞ্চত্রিংশত্তম (adjective) thirty-fifth পঞ্চত্রিংশত্তমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চত্ব (noun) (1) fivefoldness; fivefold state/ amount; aggregate/collection of five things. (2) five elements. (3) dissolution in the elements; death. পঞ্চত্ব ঘটা (verb intransitive) give up the ghost; die. পঞ্চত্ব প্রাপ্ত (adjective) dead. পঞ্চত্ব প্রাপ্ত হওয়া = পঞ্চত্ব ঘটা. পঞ্চত্ব প্রাপ্তি (noun) death; demise. পঞ্চদল (adjective) having five petals; quinquepetalous; pentamerous. পঞ্চদল পুষ্প (noun) cinque-foil. পঞ্চদলীয় (adjective) pentameral; pertaining to/consisting of five parties; five-party; quinquepartite. পঞ্চদশ (noun), (adjective) fifteen. (adjective) fifteenth. পঞ্চদশী (adjective) (feminine) fifteenth; fifteen years old. (noun) fifteenth day of a half month; day of full or new moon. পঞ্চদেবতা (noun) five deities/gods. পঞ্চনখ (noun) five-clawed animal. পঞ্চনদ (noun) the Punjab, country of five rivers. পঞ্চনবত (adjective) ninety-fifth. পঞ্চনবতি (noun), (adjective) ninety-five. পঞ্চনবতিতম (adjective) ninety-fifth পঞ্চনবতিতমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চপাণ্ডব (noun) five Pandava, brothers of the Mahabharata. পঞ্চপাত্র (noun) five vessels used in Hindu religious service; five ancestors to whom oblations are made. পঞ্চ-পিতা (noun) one’s five fathers (viz progenitor, deliverer from fear, father-in-law, preceptor and provider). পঞ্চপুরুষ (noun) five generations. পঞ্চ প্রদীপ (noun) metal lamp with five wicks. পঞ্চপ্রাণ (noun) five vital airs (supposed to be in the body). পঞ্চপ্রেত = পঞ্চভূত. পঞ্চবট (noun) five fig-trees. পঞ্চবর্গ (noun) class group/series of five. পঞ্চবর্ণ (adjective) five-cloured. পঞ্চবর্ষ (adjective) five years old. পঞ্চবান (noun) five arrow of Kama (কাম), the love god; Kama, the god of love. পঞ্চবায়ু = পঞ্চপ্রাণ. পঞ্চবার্ষিক (adjective) five years old; recurring every five years; five-years: পঞ্চবার্ষিক পরিকল্পনা. পঞ্চবিংশ (adjective) twenty-five. পঞ্চবিংশতি (noun), (adjective) twenty-five. পঞ্চবিংশতিতম (adjective) twenty-fifth. পঞ্চবিংশতিতমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চবিধ (adjective) of five kinds; fivefold. পঞ্চভুজ (adjective) five-armed; pentagonal. (noun) pentagon. পঞ্চভূত (noun) five elements (viz earth, air, fire, water and atmosphere). পঞ্চভূতে মেশা (verb intransitive) be dissolved into the five basic elements according to Hindu mythology; die. পঞ্চভূতময়, পঞ্চভূতাত্মক (adjective) consisting of the five elements (as the human body). পঞ্চভূতাত্মিকা (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চম (adjective) fifth. (noun) (1) the fifth note of the gamut. (2) name of an Indian musical mode. পঞ্চমকার (noun) five essentials of tantra rituals (viz wine, meat, fish, intertwining of the fingers and sexual union — মদ্য, মাংস, মৎস্য, মুদ্রা, মৈথুন) পঞ্চম স্বর (noun) = পঞ্চম. পঞ্চমহাপাতক (noun) five mortal sins/ crimes according to Hindu scriptures (viz killing a Brahmin, drinking alcohol, theft, committing adultery with the wife of a preceptor and associating with anyone guilty of these crimes). পঞ্চমী (adjective) (feminine) fifth. (noun) fifth day of the lunar fortnight. পঞ্চমুখ (noun) (1) five faces/mouths. (2) an appellation of Shiva. (adjective) (1) five-faced; five-headed. (2) eloquent; profuse in: পঞ্চমুখে প্রশংসা. পঞ্চমুখী (adjective) (feminine) (1) five-faced. (2) pentapetalous. (2) having five surfaces: পঞ্চমুখী হীরা. (3) having five parts/sections; five-pronged pentamerous. (4) having five bores/holes: পঞ্চমুখী রুদ্রাক্ষ. পঞ্চমুখী পুষ্প (noun) cinque-foil. পঞ্চমূল (noun) group of five roots/ plants with tuberous roots; a decoction made of these roots. পঞ্চরং, পঞ্চরঙ্গ (noun(s) (in chess) one of the systems of checkmating. পঞ্চরত্ন (noun) collection of five jewels/precious stones (viz gold, diamond, sapphire, ruby, pearl or coral). পঞ্চরসা (noun) embic myrobalan. পঞ্চরাত্র(ক) (noun) period of five rights (days). (noun) lasting five days. পঞ্চরাশিক (noun) (arithmetic) rule of 5; rule of proportion with 5 terms. পঞ্চশর = পঞ্চবাণ. পঞ্চশস্য (noun) five species of grain (viz paddy, kidney-bean/ oat, barley, sesame and pigeon-pea. পঞ্চশাখ (adjective) five-branched; five-fingered. পঞ্চশিখ = পঞ্চচূড়. পঞ্চসুগন্ধ (noun) collection of five kinds of aromatic vegetable substances (viz cloves, nutmeg, camphor, aloe wood and kakkol (কক্কোল). পঞ্চাক্ষর (noun) five syllables. (adjective) pentasyllabic. পঞ্চাগ্নি (noun) (1) five sacred fires. (2) five mystic fires supposed to be present in the body. পঞ্চাঙ্ক (adjective) consisting of five acts; five-act. পঞ্চাঙ্ক (noun) five members of the body; five parts of a tree; five modes of devotion; aggregate of five parts. (adjective) five limbed; five-part. পঞ্চাঙ্গপ্রণাম (noun) obeisance made with five members of the body (viz arms, knees, head, voice and look). পঞ্চাঙ্গুল (noun) five fingers. (adjective) measuring five fingers. পঞ্চাতপা = পঞ্চতপা. পঞ্চাত্মক (adjective) consisting of five elements; fivefold. পঞ্চানন (noun) (1) = মুখ. (2) lion. পঞ্চানন্দ (noun) (1) variety of pleasures. (2) fun; amusement; pleasantry. পঞ্চান্ন (noun), (adjective) fifty-five. পঞ্চামৃত (noun) (1) five kinds of divine food (viz milk, coagulated/sour milk, butter, honey and sugar). (2) custom of feeding Hindu women with the above-mentioned food items. পঞ্চাম্ল (noun) aggregate of five acid plants (viz jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias and citron). পঞ্চাশ (-য ফলা) (noun), (adjective) fifty. পঞ্চাশত্তম (adjective) fiftieth. পঞ্চশত্তমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চাশবার (adverb) (1) fifty times. (2) (figurative) many times; time without number. পঞ্চাশীতি (noun), (adjective) eighty-five. পঞ্চাশীতিতম (adjective) eighty-fifth পঞ্চাশীতিতমী (feminine) = পঞ্চ. পঞ্চাস্র (adjective) five-handed. (noun) pentagon.
- Bengali Word পঞ্চালিকা, পঞ্চালী ১ English definition (noun(s) doll; puppet.