ভ পৃষ্ঠা ২৯
- Bengali Word ভৈষজ, ভৈষজ্য English definition noun(s) (1) drug; medicine; remedy. (2) curativeness; healing efficacy. (3) administrating of drugs. ভৈষজ উদ্যান (noun) garden of medicinal plants. ভৈষজবিদ্যা (noun) pharmacology.
- Bengali Word ভৈষা English definition = ভইষা ( ভইষ)
- Bengali Word ভো English definition (interjection) o! ho! hullo.
- Bengali Word ভোঁ ১ English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) (1) whistling; whizz; whizzing; whistle. (2) siren; whistle. (3) buzz (of bees, etc). ভোঁ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) whistle. ভোঁ ভোঁ (noun) (onomatopoeia) drone; continuous buzzing. ভোঁ ভোঁ করা (verb intransitive) drone; buzz. কান ভোঁ ভোঁ করা be filled with buzzing sound. পকেট ভোঁ ভোঁ করা go clean/ stony/ flat broke; be penniless/ hard up/ skint; be (down) on one’s uppers. মাথা ভোঁ ভোঁ করা feel dizzy; (my) head is swimming. ভোঁ দৌড় (noun) hasty retreat/ flight; very swift/ quick run. ভোঁ দৌড় দেওয়া/ মারা (verb intransitive) run at a break neck speed; run for life; out and run; run for it.
- Bengali Word ভোঁ ২ English definition = ভোম
- Bengali Word ভোঁতা English definition (adjective) (1) blunt; edgeless: ভোঁতা ছুরি. (2) dull; heavy; ponderous: ভোঁতা বুদ্ধি. (3) discomfited; put out of countenance; abashed: ভোঁতা মুখ. ভোঁতা করা (verb transitive) blunt; dull; take away the edge of; put out of countenance; discomfit.
- Bengali Word ভোঁতড়া, ভোঁদড়া English definition (noun) entrails
- Bengali Word ভোঁদা English definition (adjective) (1) fat corpulent; obese; blubbery; tubby; pudgy; rotund; stocky. (2) dull; dull-witted; feeble-witted; dumb. ভুঁদি, ভুঁদী (feminine) = ভোঁদা.
- Bengali Word ভোঁদড় English definition (noun) civet-cat; otter.
- Bengali Word ভোঁস-ভোঁস English definition (noun) (1) (onomatopoeia) denoting noise of deep breathing (in sleep); wheeze. (2) snore.
- Bengali Word ভোক English definition (noun) hunger. ভোকছানি (noun) drowsiness/dizziness due to extreme hunger.
- Bengali Word ভোক্তব্য English definition (adjective) (1) to be enjoyed/ eaten. (2) eatable; edible; enjoyable; sufferable.
- Bengali Word ভোক্তা English definition (adjective) (1) eating; enjoying; experiencing; suffering; possessing. (2) one who enjoys/ eats; enjoyer; eater; sufferer; consumer. ভোক্তী (feminine) = ভোক্তা.
- Bengali Word ভোগ English definition (noun) (1) feeling/ perception (of pleasure and pain); experiencing. (2) pleasure; delight. (3) enjoyment; enjoying. (4) eating; feeding on. (5) sexual enjoyment. (6) suffering; sustaining. (7) possession; wealth. (8) any object of enjoyment (as food, a festival, etc). (9) sensual pleasure. (10) food offering made to a deity. (11) affliction; trouble. (12) hire/ wages especially prostitution. ভোগ করা (verb transitive) (1) enjoy: use; eat and drink; enjoy meal; consume; make use of. (2) possess; take possession of. (3) enjoy carnally. (4) suffer; experience; sustain; undergo; be rewarded/ requited for. ভোগ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) offer food offering; offer food and entertainment to a deity. ভোগগৃহ (noun) room for food-offering to a deity; women’s apartments; harem. ভোগতৃষ্ণা (noun) desire of worldly enjoyments. ভোগদেহ (noun) ‘the body of feeling’; the intermediate body which a dead person acquires after Shraddha (শ্রাদ্ধ) after cremation and with which, according to his works, he either enjoys happiness or suffers misery. ভোগবাসনা = ভোগতৃষ্ণা. ভোগবিলাস (noun) sensual/ worldly enjoyments; pleasures and luxury. ভোগবিলাসী (adjective) enjoying worldly pleasures and luxuries; voluptuous. (noun) voluptuary. ভোগবৃত্ত (adjective) passive. ভোগবৃত্তি (noun) passivity. ভোগভূমি (noun) the place where people enjoy the reward of their works; heaven. ভোগরাগ = ভোগতৃষ্ণা. ভোগলালসা (noun) craving for sensual/ worldly pleasures. ভোগসাধন (noun) arduous endeavour to obtain pleasure; pleasure seeking. ভোগসুখ = ভোগবিলাস. ভোগস্থান (noun) (1) body. (2) women’s apartments. ভোগস্পৃহা = ভোগতৃষ্ণা. ভোগস্বত্ব (noun) occupancy right.
- Bengali Word ভোগবতী English definition (noun) (mythology) name of the Ganges as flowing in the nether world.
- Bengali Word ভোগবান English definition (adjective) devoted to enjoyments. ভোগবতী (feminine) = ভোগবান.
- Bengali Word ভোগা ১ English definition ভুগা. ভোগানি = ভুগানি ( ভুগা). ভোগানো = ভুগানো ( ভুগা)
- Bengali Word ভোগা ২ English definition (noun) deception; cheating; swindling; hoaxing. ভোগা দেওয়া (verb transitive) deceive; cheat; swindle: hoax.
- Bengali Word ভোগাকাঙ্ক্ষা English definition (noun) = ভোগতৃষ্ণা. ভোগাকাঙ্ক্ষী (adjective) desirous of worldly enjoyment. ভোগাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী (feminine) = ভোগাকাঙ্ক্ষী.
- Bengali Word ভোগানে English definition (adjective) causing trouble/ suffering/ harassment: vexatious; toying; troublesome; verve-racking.