ম পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word মওজ English definition = মউজ
- Bengali Word মওজুদ English definition [Arabic] (adjective) (1) present; existent; ready at hand. (2) stored up; reserved; in reserve; hoarded; in store. মজুদ করা (verb transitive) store; hoard. মজুত রাখা (verb transitive) keep ready at hand. মজুদ তহবিল (noun) reserve fund; reserve capital. মজুতদারি (noun) hoarder. মজুতদাবি (noun) hoarding.
- Bengali Word মওত English definition = মউত
- Bengali Word মওলবি, মওলবী English definition = মৌলবি
- Bengali Word মওলা, মাওলা, মৌলা English definition [Arabic] (noun(s) master; lord; Allah. মওলানা (noun) (literally our master); a title given to persons respected for their learning; a Muslim scholar possessing the highest degree from a theological school.
- Bengali Word মওলুদ English definition = মলুদ
- Bengali Word মওসুম English definition = মৌসুম
- Bengali Word মওড়া English definition (colloquial) = মহড়া
- Bengali Word মওয়া English definition (verb transitive) churn; stir.
- Bengali Word মওয়াজ্জমা English definition = মোয়াজ্জমা
- Bengali Word মওয়াজ্জল English definition = মোয়াজ্জল
- Bengali Word মকতব, মক্তব, মকতবখানা English definition [Arabic] (noun) school; academy.
- Bengali Word মকদুর English definition [Arabic] (noun) power, means; resources; capacity; ability; possibility.
- Bengali Word মকদ্দমা, মোকদ্দমা English definition [Arabic] (noun(s) (1) lawsuit; case; proceedings; litigation. (2) affair; subject; matter: একদিনের মোকদ্দমা. মকদ্দমা আনা (verb transitive) bring a lawsuit (against); bring to justice/treat; sue; proceed (against). মোকদ্দমা করা (verb intransitive) bring/file a lawsuit; proceed (against); conduct a case; plead in a case; try/judge a case; enter into litigation; go to law. মোকদ্দমা তোলা (verb intransitive) bring up a case for trial.
- Bengali Word মকবরা, মকবেরা, মাকবেরা English definition [English] (noun(s) tomb; mausoleum; sepulchre.
- Bengali Word মকবুল English definition [Arabic] (adjective) accepted; admitted; received; chosen.
- Bengali Word মকমক English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) (1) suggesting suppressed anger. (2) croak of frogs. (3) growl. রাগে মকমক করা (verb intransitive) fume; boil with rage; rage; seethe with anger. মকমকা (verb intransitive) (1) croak; growl; snarl. মকমকি (noun) croak; growl; roar; scream; blare.
- Bengali Word মকমল, মখমল English definition [Arabic] (noun) velvet. মখমলি পোকা (noun) the insect cochineal of various kinds.
- Bengali Word মকর English definition (noun) (1) (mythology) kind of sea-monster (sometimes confounded with the crocodile, shark, dolphin, etc; regarded as the emblem of Kamadeva). (2) emblem of Kamadeva (Hindu god of love). (3) (astrology) Capricorn. (4) an army of troops in the form of a Makara). মকর কুণ্ডল (noun) earring shaped like a Makara. মকর কেতন, মকর কেতু (noun(s) (1) ‘having the Makara for an enblem’ or ‘having a fish on his banner’; Kamadeva, the god of love. (2) the sea. মকর ক্রান্তি (noun) (astronomy) winter solstice. মকরক্রান্তিবৃত্ত (noun) (geog) tropic of Capricorn. মকর ধ্বজ (noun) (1) = মকর কেতন. (2) (Ayurved) a medicinal sublimate of sulphur, mercury and gold. মকর ব্যূহ (noun) = মকর (4). মকর মণ্ডল (noun) Tropic of Capricorn. মকর রাশি (noun)(astrology) Capricorn. মকর সংক্রান্তি (noun) (name of a festival marking) the transition of the sun from the Sagittarius to the Capricorn-in the month of Magh. মকরাকর (noun) ‘receptacle of Makaras’, the sea. মকরাক্ষ (noun) ‘Makara-eyed’; name of a Rakshasa, a general of Ravana. মকরাঙ্ক 1 = মকর কেতু. (2) the sea. মকরালয় (noun) "abode of Makaras’, the sea. মকরাশ্ব (noun) having the Makara for a horse; Varuna (বরুণ). মকরাস্য (adjective), (noun) Maker-faced.
- Bengali Word মকরন্দ English definition (noun) honey; nectar.