ল পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word লটরচটর English definition (noun) pretended hurry; fuss.
- Bengali Word লটরপটর English definition = লটপট
- Bengali Word লটা English definition (noun) (1) lock of hair. (2) kind of sour fruit; Caesalpinia bonducella. (3) kind of sparrow. (4) safflower. (adjective) (feminine) lewd.
- Bengali Word লটারি English definition [English] (noun) lottery.
- Bengali Word লটুয়া English definition (adjective) lustful; lewd.
- Bengali Word লড্ডু, লড্ডুক English definition (noun(s) kind of sweetmeats rolled into balls.
- Bengali Word লণ্ঠন English definition [English] (noun) lantern.
- Bengali Word লণ্ডভণ্ড English definition (adjective) disarrayed; messed up; chaotic; at sixes and sevens; confounded; disrupted. লণ্ডভণ্ড করা (verb transitive) utterly disarray/ disrupt/ confound; upset; throw into disarray/ confusion.
- Bengali Word লতা English definition (noun) (1) creeper. (2) any creeping/ winding plant or twining tendril. লতাকুজ্ঞ, লতাগৃহ, লতামণ্ডল noun(s) creeper-bower; arbour of creepers. লতানে (adjective) creeping . লতানো (verb intransitive) (of a creeper) creep along/ up; stretch/ extend along/ up; (adjective) slender and graceful: লতানো বাহু. লতাপনস (noun) water-melon. লতাপাতা (noun) creepers and herbs. লতাপাশ (noun) snare/ festoon of creeper. লতাপ্রতান (noun) tendril. লতাবিতান (noun) canopy made of creepers. লতায়িত (adjective) grown along the ground/ on supports as a creeper; creeping along up; stretching/ extending along up. লতাবেষ্টন (noun) embrace. লতাবেষ্টিত (adjective) encircled by creepers.
- Bengali Word লতি English definition (noun) (1) lobe of the ear. (2) (botany) sucker: কচুর লতি.
- Bengali Word লতিকা English definition (noun) delicate/ slender creeper or small winding tendril (to which the graceful curve of a slim figure is compared).
- Bengali Word লতিয়ে পড়া English definition = নেতিয়ে পড়া ( নেতানো). লতিয়ে যাওয়া (verb intransitive) (1) creep along/ over. (2) grow slender.
- Bengali Word লন্ড্রি English definition [English] (noun) laundry.
- Bengali Word লপচপানি English definition (noun) brag; tall talk; bombast.
- Bengali Word লপটানো English definition (verb intransitive) (1) entwine; cling to twine; be entangled/ involved (in). (2) wrap; fold (together): বিছানা লপটে রাখা, পাখির ডানা লপটানো.
- Bengali Word লপটালপটি English definition (noun) hugging; embracing; love-making.
- Bengali Word লপরচপর English definition (noun) noise made while eating; crunching and lapping.
- Bengali Word লপলপ English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) lapping (of the tongue); sound made in eating/ devouring liquid things.
- Bengali Word লপেটা English definition (noun) kind of vamped slippers.
- Bengali Word লপ্টানো English definition = লপটানো. লপ্টামি (noun) (1) hugging; clinging. (2) folding.