শ পৃষ্ঠা ৩২
- Bengali Word শোভী English definition (adjective) (1) beautifying; adorning; embellishing; adding grace to. (2) brilliant; beautiful; splendid; resplendent with. শোভিনী (feminine) = শোভী.
- Bengali Word শোর English definition [Persian] (noun) noise; outcry; tumult; uproar. শোর তোলা (verb intransitive) raise an uproar; make a noise; hoot; kick up a row; clamour (for). শোরগোল (noun) hue and cry; clamour; disturbance; tumult; uproarious noise; agitation.
- Bengali Word শোরা English definition [Persian] (noun) nitre; salt-petre. শোরা ঘটিত (adjective) nitric.
- Bengali Word শোল English definition (noun) species of large tubular fish (= শকুল).
- Bengali Word শোলা English definition (noun) sponge wood.
- Bengali Word শোষ English definition (noun) (1) dryness; desiccation; drying up. (2) (medical) pulmonary consumption. (3) (medical) sinus. (4) thirst. (adjective) dried up within: শোষ আঁখ. শোষ-কাগজ (noun) blotting-paper.
- Bengali Word শোষক English definition (adjective) (1) absorbing; absorbent; drying up; sucking up. (2) exploiting; extorting. (noun) (1) absorbent; absorber. (2) exploiter; extortioner; sponger.
- Bengali Word শোষণ English definition (noun) (1) absorption; drying up; drying; parching; suction; desiccation; withering. (2) exploitation; extortion. শোষণ করা (verb transitive) (1) absorb; suck in; dry up; desiccate; parch; wither. (2) exploit; extort.
- Bengali Word শোষা English definition = শোষণ করা
- Bengali Word শোষানি English definition (noun) difficulty in breathing.
- Bengali Word শোষিত English definition (adjective) (1) absorbed; dried/ sucked up; desiccated; emptied; exhausted; drained. (2) exploited; subjected to extortion.
- Bengali Word শোহরত English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) announcement; proclamation; publishing; report; advertising. (2) fame; renown; reputation. ঢোল শোহরত (noun) proclamation by beat of drums.
- Bengali Word শোহিনী English definition (noun) name of an Indian musical mode.
- Bengali Word শোয়া English definition (colloquial) = শুয়া. শোয়ানো = শুয়ানো. শোয়া বসা (noun) (1) (literally) lying and sitting. (2) (figurative) deportment; bearing. (3) association; social intercourse. শোয়া বসা করা (verb intransitive) live with another as neighbours/ in the same society; frequent; associate with; hobnob (together/ with somebody).
- Bengali Word শৌক্তিকেয়, শৌক্তেয় English definition adjective(s) relating to a pearl; pearly. (noun) pearl.
- Bengali Word শৌক্ল্য English definition (noun) whiteness; white.
- Bengali Word শৌখিন, শৌখীন English definition [Arabic] adjective(s) (1) given to luxury/ niceties; luxurious; voluptuous; having refined/ delicate taste; pleasure-seeking: শৌখিন লোক (2) (pleasing to/ gratifying) fancy; fine; dainty; delicate: শৌখিন জিনিস, fancy goods. শৌখিনতা (noun) luxury; luxuriousness; pleasure seeking; inclination to niceties; possession of refined/ delicate taste; daintiness.
- Bengali Word শৌচ English definition (noun) (1) cleanness; purity; cleanliness. (2) purification (especially from defilement caused by the death of a relation). (3) self-purification. (4) cleansing/ washing of one’s posteriors after evacuation of bowels. শৌচ করা (verb intransitive) (1) cleanse/ purify one’s body and mind. (2) cleanse after evacuation of bowels. শৌচ কর্ম, শৌচ ক্রিয়া noun(s) = শৌচ.
- Bengali Word শৌণ্ড English definition (adjective) (1) addicted to drinking; drunk; intoxicated; drunken; inebriate. (2) being the pride of; celebrated: দান শৌণ্ড.
- Bengali Word শৌণ্ডিক English definition = শুঁড়ি. শৌণ্ডিকালয় (noun) liquor-shop; tavern; public house.