স পৃষ্ঠা ৪৮
- Bengali Word সরকারি, সরকারী English definition (adjective) belonging to the state/ government; governmental; public. সরকারি অভিশংসক (noun) public prosecutor. সরকারি আদেশ (noun) government order. সরকারি উকিল (noun) government pleader. সরকারি চাকরি (noun) government service. সরকারি নিয়ন্ত্রণাধীন (adjective) government controlled; under government control. সরকারি প্রতিবেদক (noun) public reporter. সরকারি প্রতিবেদন (noun) government report. সরকারি বিদ্যালয় (noun) government school. সরকারি কৌসুঁলি (noun) government counsel. সরকারি রাস্তা (noun) public road; highway. সরকারি সাহায্য (noun) subsidy; grants in aid. সরকারি সুযোগ সুবিধা (noun) government facilities.
- Bengali Word সরগম English definition (noun) gamut; descending scale.
- Bengali Word সরগরম English definition (adjective) (1) zealous; ardent; full of high spirits/ enthusiasm and excitement; active. (2) in a bustle; lively; feverish; packed and noisy; uproarious; excite. সরগরম করা (verb transitive) excite; inflame; stir; work up; animate; enthuse; thrill; electrify; galvanize.
- Bengali Word সরজমিন, সরেজমিন English definition [Persian] (noun) scene of occurrence; venue of an affair; confines.
- Bengali Word সরঞ্জাম English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) equipment; implements; provisions, furnishings; fittings; outfit; accoutrements; appurtenances; accessories; paraphernalia. (2) preparation; arrangement.
- Bengali Word সরট English definition (noun) lizard; chameleon.
- Bengali Word সরণ English definition (verb transitive) going; moving; running. (2) iron rust. সরণশীল (adjective) moving; gliding; sliding.
- Bengali Word সরণি, সরণী English definition (noun) road; path; way; avenue.
- Bengali Word সরতা English definition (noun) (dialect) kind of scissors for cutting betel-nuts.
- Bengali Word সরদল, সরদাল English definition [Persian] (noun) (noun) lintel.
- Bengali Word সরদার English definition [Persian] (noun) chief; commander; leader; headman; chieftain; village magistrate. সরদারনি, সরদারনী (feminine) = সরদার. সরদার দফতরি (noun) binding foreman. সরদার-পড়ুয়া (noun) a senior pupil assisting in school discipline and teaching; monitor.
- Bengali Word সরদারি English definition [Persian] (noun) headship; leadership; chieftaincy; bossing; sway. সরদারি করা (verb intransitive) (1) act as a headman/ chieftain. (2) behave in masterful/ overbearing manner; boss; domineer; lord it over; browbeat; be overbearing.
- Bengali Word সরদি, সর্দি English definition [Persian] (noun) cold; catarrh: সরদি ঝরছে/পড়ছে, The nose runs. সর্দি ঝাড়া (verb intransitive) blow one’s nose. সর্দি লাগা / সর্দি হওয়া (verb intransitive) catch (a) cold; have a cold. সর্দি গরমি (noun) sunstroke; heatstroke.
- Bengali Word সরদেওয়াল, সরদেয়াল English definition (noun) wall behind a house.
- Bengali Word সরন্ধ্রতা English definition (noun) porosity.
- Bengali Word সরপুঁটি English definition (noun) kind of fresh-water fish.
- Bengali Word সরপুরিয়া English definition = সর
- Bengali Word সরপেচ English definition [Persian] (noun) an ornament worn in the turban.
- Bengali Word সরপোশ, সরপোষ English definition [Persian] (noun) cover; lid.
- Bengali Word সরফরাজ English definition [Persian] (adjective) (1) exalted; august. (2) delighted. (noun) (ironical) great/ an important man; self-important person; saucy fellow; busybody; meddler; Nosey Parker.