স পৃষ্ঠা ৬৭
- Bengali Word সাবেক English definition [Arabic] (adjective) former; prior; preceding; foregoing; old; ancient; past; original; first. সাবেক কেলে (adjective) old-fashioned; out-moded; outdated. সাবেকি, সাবেকী (adjective) of old; old-fashioned; dated; of old school; obsolete; moth-eaten.
- Bengali Word সাবেত, সাবিত English definition [Arabic] (adjective) firm; steady; immovable; resolute. constant. সাবিত করা (verb transitive) prove; verify; confirm; establish.
- Bengali Word সাব্যস্ত English definition (adjective) (1) adjudged; adjudicated; ascertained. (2) decided; fixed; resolved. সাব্যস্ত করা (verb transitive) (1) adjudge; adjudicate; ascertain. (2) decide; fix; resolve; settle.
- Bengali Word সাবড়ানো English definition = সাবাড় করা
- Bengali Word সাবয়ব English definition (adjective) having a body/ parts; corporeal. সাবয়বত্ব (noun) the being composed of parts; corporeality.
- Bengali Word সাম English definition (noun) (1) (also সামবেদ) one of the three principal Vedas; ‘Veda of chants’. (2) hymn/ psalm of the Samveda. (3) conciliation; negotiation.
- Bengali Word সামগ্রিক English definition (adjective) general; total.
- Bengali Word সামগ্রী English definition (noun) complete collection/ assemblage of implements or materials; thing; article; apparatus; baggage; goods and chattels; effects; things.
- Bengali Word সামগ্র্য English definition (noun) totality; entirety; completeness.
- Bengali Word সামঞ্জস্য English definition (noun) (1) fitness; propriety. (2) congruity. (3) harmony; agreement; symmetry; adjustment; mutual understanding. সামঞ্জস্য বিধান করা (verb transitive) harmonize; adjust: bring into agreement.
- Bengali Word সামনা English definition (noun) front; face; forepart; surface usually presented. সামনা সামনি (adjective), (adverb) face-to-face with; facing each other; in presence of.
- Bengali Word সামনে English definition prep in front of; before; in the face of; facing; opposite to; on the face/ surface of.
- Bengali Word সামন্ত English definition (noun) (1) vassal; feudatory prince; chief of a district. (2) minister. (3) leader; general; captain; champion; commander; chieftain. সামন্তচক্র, সামন্ততন্ত্র noun(s) feudal system; feudalism. সামন্ত নৃপতি (noun) feudal prince. সামন্তরাজ্য (noun) feudal state; dependency.
- Bengali Word সামন্তরিক English definition = সামান্তরিক
- Bengali Word সামবায়িক English definition (adjective) co-operative; belonging to/ frequenting an assembly. (noun) (1) minister; counsellor; member of an assembly. (2) co-operator; member of a co-operative society.
- Bengali Word সামরিক English definition (adjective) relating to war; military; martial; war-like. সামরিক আইন (noun) martial law. সামরিক আদালত (noun) martial law court. সামরিক জাতি (noun) martial race. সামরিক দণ্ডবিধি (noun) martial . law. সামরিক পোত (noun) warship. সামরিক বিচারালয় (noun) court-martial. সামরিক শক্তি military power/ strength. সামরিক শিক্ষা (noun) military training.
- Bengali Word সামর্থ্য English definition (noun) (1) ability; capacity; capability; efficiency. (2) fitness. (3) strength; power. সামর্থ্যবাধ (noun) efficiency bar.
- Bengali Word সামলা English definition = শামলা
- Bengali Word সামলানো English definition (verb transitive) (1) save; protect; keep safe; guard. (2) check; restrain: লোভ সামলানো. (3) manage; manage to keep in the proper place: কাপড় সামলানো. (4) tide over; surmount: রোগ/বিপদ সামলে ওঠা. (5) wield: তরবারি সামলানো.
- Bengali Word সামাই ১ English definition (noun) patience.