GPage 3
- English Word Gabionage Definition The part of a fortification built of gabions.
- English Word Gabioned Definition Furnished with gabions.
- English Word Gabionnade Definition See Gabionade.
- English Word Gable Definition A cable.
- English Word Gable Definition The vertical triangular portion of the end of a building, from the level of the cornice or eaves to the ridge of the roof. Also, a similar end when not triangular in shape, as of a gambrel roof and the like.
- English Word Gable Definition The end wall of a building, as distinguished from the front or rear side.
- English Word Gable Definition A decorative member having the shape of a triangular gable, such as that above a Gothic arch in a doorway.
- English Word Gablet Definition A small gable, or gable-shaped canopy, formed over a tabernacle, niche, etc.
- English Word Gablock Definition A false spur or gaff, fitted on the heel of a gamecock.
- English Word Gaby Definition A simpleton; a dunce; a lout.
- English Word Gad Definition The point of a spear, or an arrowhead.
- English Word Gad Definition A pointed or wedge-shaped instrument of metal, as a steel wedge used in mining, etc.
- English Word Gad Definition A sharp-pointed rod; a goad.
- English Word Gad Definition A spike on a gauntlet; a gadling.
- English Word Gad Definition A wedge-shaped billet of iron or steel.
- English Word Gad Definition A rod or stick, as a fishing rod, a measuring rod, or a rod used to drive cattle with.
- English Word Gad Definition To walk about; to rove or go about, without purpose; hence, to run wild; to be uncontrolled.
- English Word Gadabout Definition A gadder
- English Word Gadbee Definition The gadfly.
- English Word Gadded Definition of Gad