MPage 10
- English Word Macrometer Definition An instrument for determining the size or distance of inaccessible objects by means of two reflectors on a common sextant.
- English Word Macron Definition A short, straight, horizontal mark [-], placed over vowels to denote that they are to be pronounced with a long sound; as, a, in dame; /, in s/am, etc.
- English Word Macropetalous Definition Having long or large petals.
- English Word Macrophyllous Definition Having long or large leaves.
- English Word Macropinacoid Definition One of the two planes of an orthorhombic crystal which are parallel to the vertical and longer lateral (macrodiagonal) axes.
- English Word Macropod Definition Any one of a group of maioid crabs remarkable for the length of their legs; -- called also spider crab.
- English Word Macropodal Definition Having long or large feet, or a long stem.
- English Word Macropodian Definition A macropod.
- English Word Macropodous Definition Having long legs or feet.
- English Word Macroprism Definition A prism of an orthorhombic crystal between the macropinacoid and the unit prism; the corresponding pyramids are called macropyramids.
- English Word Macropteres Definition A division of birds; the Longipennes.
- English Word Macropterous Definition Having long wings.
- English Word Macropus Definition genus of marsupials including the common kangaroo.
- English Word Macropyramid Definition See Macroprism.
- English Word Macroscopic Definition Alt. of Macroscopical
- English Word Macroscopical Definition Visible to the unassisted eye; -- as opposed to microscopic.
- English Word Macrosporangium Definition A sporangium or conceptacle containing only large spores; -- opposed to microsporangium. Both are found in the genera Selaginella, Isoctes, and Marsilia, plants remotely allied to ferns.
- English Word Macrospore Definition One of the specially large spores of certain flowerless plants, as Selaginella, etc.
- English Word Macrosporic Definition Of or pertaining to macrospores.
- English Word Macrotone Definition Same as Macron.