MPage 21
- English Word Magnate Definition A person of rank; a noble or grandee; a person of influence or distinction in any sphere.
- English Word Magnate Definition One of the nobility, or certain high officers of state belonging to the noble estate in the national representation of Hungary, and formerly of Poland.
- English Word Magnes Definition Magnet.
- English Word Magnesia Definition A light earthy white substance, consisting of magnesium oxide, and obtained by heating magnesium hydrate or carbonate, or by burning magnesium. It has a slightly alkaline reaction, and is used in medicine as a mild antacid laxative. See Magnesium.
- English Word Magnesian Definition Pertaining to, characterized by, or containing, magnesia or magnesium.
- English Word Magnesic Definition Pertaining to, or containing, magnesium; as, magnesic oxide.
- English Word Magnesite Definition Native magnesium carbonate occurring in white compact or granular masses, and also in rhombohedral crystals.
- English Word Magnesium Definition A light silver-white metallic element, malleable and ductile, quite permanent in dry air but tarnishing in moist air. It burns, forming (the oxide) magnesia, with the production of a blinding light (the so-called magnesium light) which is used in signaling, in pyrotechny, or in photography where a strong actinic illuminant is required. Its compounds occur abundantly, as in dolomite, talc, meerschaum, etc. Symbol Mg. Atomic weight, 24.4. Specific gravity, 1.75.
- English Word Magnet Definition The loadstone; a species of iron ore (the ferrosoferric or magnetic ore, Fe3O4) which has the property of attracting iron and some of its ores, and, when freely suspended, of pointing to the poles; -- called also natural magnet.
- English Word Magnet Definition A bar or mass of steel or iron to which the peculiar properties of the loadstone have been imparted; -- called, in distinction from the loadstone, an artificial magnet.
- English Word Magnetic Definition Alt. of Magnetical
- English Word Magnetic Definition A magnet.
- English Word Magnetic Definition Any metal, as iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., which may receive, by any means, the properties of the loadstone, and which then, when suspended, fixes itself in the direction of a magnetic meridian.
- English Word Magnetical Definition Pertaining to the magnet; possessing the properties of the magnet, or corresponding properties; as, a magnetic bar of iron; a magnetic needle.
- English Word Magnetical Definition Of or pertaining to, or characterized by, the earth's magnetism; as, the magnetic north; the magnetic meridian.
- English Word Magnetical Definition Capable of becoming a magnet; susceptible to magnetism; as, the magnetic metals.
- English Word Magnetical Definition Endowed with extraordinary personal power to excite the feelings and to win the affections; attractive; inducing attachment.
- English Word Magnetical Definition Having, susceptible to, or induced by, animal magnetism, so called; as, a magnetic sleep. See Magnetism.
- English Word Magnetically Definition By or as by, magnetism.
- English Word Magneticalness Definition Quality of being magnetic.