UPage 1
- English Word -ums Definition of Monopodium
- English Word -uret Definition A suffix with the same meaning as -ide. See -ide.
- English Word Uakari Definition Same as Ouakari.
- English Word Uberous Definition Fruitful; copious; abundant; plentiful.
- English Word Uberty Definition Fruitfulness; copiousness; abundance; plenty.
- English Word Ubeth Definition Alt. of Unethes
- English Word Ubication Definition Alt. of Ubiety
- English Word Ubiety Definition The quality or state of being in a place; local relation; position or location; whereness.
- English Word Ubiquarian Definition Ubiquitous.
- English Word Ubiquitarian Definition One of a school of Lutheran divines which held that the body of Christ is present everywhere, and especially in the eucharist, in virtue of his omnipresence. Called also ubiquitist, and ubiquitary.
- English Word Ubiquitaries Definition of Ubiquitary
- English Word Ubiquitariness Definition Quality or state of being ubiquitary, or ubiquitous.
- English Word Ubiquitary Definition A ubiquist.
- English Word Ubiquitary Definition One who exists everywhere.
- English Word Ubiquitary Definition Ubiquitous.
- English Word Ubiquitist Definition Alt. of Ubiquitarian
- English Word Ubiquitist Definition Same as Ubiquist.
- English Word Ubiquitous Definition Existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresent.
- English Word Ubiquity Definition Existence everywhere, or in places, at the same time; omnipresence; as, the ubiquity of God is not disputed by those who admit his existence.
- English Word Ubiquity Definition The doctrine, as formulated by Luther, that Christ's glorified body is omnipresent.