VPage 20
- English Word Vanquishing Definition of Vanquish
- English Word Vanquishment Definition The act of vanquishing, or the state of being vanquished.
- English Word Vansire Definition An ichneumon (Herpestes galera) native of Southern Africa and Madagascar. It is reddish brown or dark brown, grizzled with white. Called also vondsira, and marsh ichneumon.
- English Word Vant Definition See Vaunt.
- English Word Vant-courier Definition An avant-courier. See Van-courier.
- English Word Vantage Definition superior or more favorable situation or opportunity; gain; profit; advantage.
- English Word Vantage Definition The first point after deuce.
- English Word Vantage Definition To profit; to aid.
- English Word Vantbrace Definition Alt. of Vantbrass
- English Word Vantbrass Definition Armor for the arm; vambrace.
- English Word Vanward Definition Being on, or towards, the van, or front.
- English Word Vap Definition That which is vapid, insipid, or lifeless; especially, the lifeless part of liquor or wine.
- English Word Vapid Definition Having lost its life and spirit; dead; spiritless; insipid; flat; dull; unanimated; as, vapid beer; a vapid speech; a vapid state of the blood.
- English Word Vapidity Definition The quality or state of being vapid; vapidness.
- English Word Vapor Definition Any substance in the gaseous, or aeriform, state, the condition of which is ordinarily that of a liquid or solid.
- English Word Vapor Definition In a loose and popular sense, any visible diffused substance floating in the atmosphere and impairing its transparency, as smoke, fog, etc.
- English Word Vapor Definition Wind; flatulence.
- English Word Vapor Definition Something unsubstantial, fleeting, or transitory; unreal fancy; vain imagination; idle talk; boasting.
- English Word Vapor Definition An old name for hypochondria, or melancholy; the blues.
- English Word Vapor Definition A medicinal agent designed for administration in the form of inhaled vapor.