VPage 39
- English Word Veining Definition of Vein
- English Word Veinless Definition Having no veins; as, a veinless leaf.
- English Word Veinlet Definition A small vein.
- English Word Veinous Definition Marked with veins; veined; veiny.
- English Word Veinstone Definition The nonmetalliferous mineral or rock material which accompanies the ores in a vein, as quartz, calcite, barite, fluor spar, etc.; -- called also veinstuff.
- English Word Veiny Definition Full of veins; veinous; veined; as, veiny marble.
- English Word Vela Definition of Velum
- English Word Velar Definition Of or pertaining to a velum; esp. (Anat.) of or pertaining to the soft palate.
- English Word Velar Definition Having the place of articulation on the soft palate; guttural; as, the velar consonants, such as k and hard q.
- English Word Velaria Definition of Velarium
- English Word Velarium Definition The marginal membrane of certain medusae belonging to the Discophora.
- English Word Velate Definition Having a veil; veiled.
- English Word Vele Definition A veil.
- English Word Velecipedist Definition One who rides on a velocipede.
- English Word Velella Definition Any species of oceanic Siphonophora belonging to the genus Velella.
- English Word Veliferous Definition Carrying or bearing sails.
- English Word Veliger Definition Any larval gastropod or bivalve mollusk in the state when it is furnished with one or two ciliated membranes for swimming.
- English Word Velitation Definition A dispute or contest; a slight contest; a skirmish.
- English Word Velivolant Definition Flying with sails; passing under full sail.
- English Word Vell Definition The salted stomach of a calf, used in making cheese; a rennet bag.