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- English Word Verjuice Definition The sour juice of crab apples, of green or unripe grapes, apples, etc.; also, an acid liquor made from such juice.
- English Word Verjuice Definition Tartness; sourness, as of disposition.
- English Word Vermeil Definition Vermilion; also, the color of vermilion, a bright, beautiful red.
- English Word Vermeil Definition Silver gilt or gilt bronze.
- English Word Vermeil Definition A liquid composition applied to a gilded surface to give luster to the gold.
- English Word Vermeologist Definition One who treats of vermes, or worms; a helminthologist.
- English Word Vermeology Definition A discourse or treatise on worms; that part of zoology which treats of worms; helminthology.
- English Word Vermes Definition An extensive artificial division of the animal kingdom, including the parasitic worms, or helminths, together with the nemerteans, annelids, and allied groups. By some writers the branchiopods, the bryzoans, and the tunicates are also included. The name was used in a still wider sense by Linnaeus and his followers.
- English Word Vermes Definition A more restricted group, comprising only the helminths and closely allied orders.
- English Word Vermetid Definition Any species of vermetus.
- English Word Vermetus Definition Any one of many species of marine gastropods belonging to Vermetus and allied genera, of the family Vermetidae. Their shells are regularly spiral when young, but later in life the whorls become separate, and the shell is often irregularly bent and contorted like a worm tube.
- English Word Vermicelli Definition The flour of a hard and small-grained wheat made into dough, and forced through small cylinders or pipes till it takes a slender, wormlike form, whence the Italian name. When the paste is made in larger tubes, it is called macaroni.
- English Word Vermicide Definition A medicine which destroys intestinal worms; a worm killer.
- English Word Vermicious Definition Of or pertaining to worms; wormy.
- English Word Vermicular Definition Of or pertaining to a worm or worms; resembling a worm; shaped like a worm; especially, resembling the motion or track of a worm; as, the vermicular, or peristaltic, motion of the intestines. See Peristaltic.
- English Word Vermiculate Definition To form or work, as by inlaying, with irregular lines or impressions resembling the tracks of worms, or appearing as if formed by the motion of worms.
- English Word Vermiculate Definition Wormlike in shape; covered with wormlike elevations; marked with irregular fine lines of color, or with irregular wavy impressed lines like worm tracks; as, a vermiculate nut.
- English Word Vermiculate Definition Crawling or creeping like a worm; hence, insinuating; sophistical.
- English Word Vermiculated Definition of Vermiculate
- English Word Vermiculated Definition Made or marked with irregular wavy lines or impressions; vermiculate.