VPage 6
- English Word Vaginae Definition of Vagina
- English Word Vaginal Definition Of or pertaining to the vagina of the genital canal; as, the vaginal artery.
- English Word Vaginal Definition Of or pertaining to a vagina; resembling a vagina, or sheath; thecal; as, a vaginal synovial membrane; the vaginal process of the temporal bone.
- English Word Vaginant Definition Serving to in invest, or sheathe; sheathing.
- English Word Vaginate Definition Alt. of Vaginated
- English Word Vaginated Definition Invested with, or as if with, a sheath; as, a vaginate stem, or one invested by the tubular base of a leaf.
- English Word Vaginati Definition A tribe of birds comprising the sheathbills.
- English Word Vaginervose Definition Having the nerves, or veins, placed in apparent disorder.
- English Word Vaginicola Definition A genus of Infusoria which form minute vaselike or tubular cases in which they dwell.
- English Word Vaginismus Definition A painful spasmodic contraction of the vagina, often rendering copulation impossible.
- English Word Vaginitis Definition Inflammation of the vagina, or the genital canal, usually of its mucous living membrane.
- English Word Vaginopennous Definition Having elytra; sheath-winged.
- English Word Vaginula Definition A little sheath, as that about the base of the pedicel of most mosses.
- English Word Vaginula Definition One of the tubular florets in composite flowers.
- English Word Vaginule Definition A vaginula.
- English Word Vagissate Definition To caper or frolic.
- English Word Vagous Definition Wandering; unsettled.
- English Word Vagrancy Definition The quality or state of being a vagrant; a wandering without a settled home; an unsettled condition; vagabondism.
- English Word Vagrant Definition Wandering from place to place without any settled habitation; as, a vagrant beggar.
- English Word Vagrant Definition One who strolls from place to place; one who has no settled habitation; an idle wanderer; a sturdy beggar; an incorrigible rogue; a vagabond.