VPage 73
- English Word Vested Definition Clothed; robed; wearing vestments.
- English Word Vested Definition Not in a state of contingency or suspension; fixed; as, vested rights; vested interests.
- English Word Vestiarian Definition Of or pertaining to a vestiary or vestments.
- English Word Vestiary Definition A wardrobe; a robing room; a vestry.
- English Word Vestiary Definition Pertaining to clothes, or vestments.
- English Word Vestibula Definition of Vestibulum
- English Word Vestibular Definition Of or pertaining to a vestibule; like a vestibule.
- English Word Vestibule Definition The porch or entrance into a house; a hall or antechamber next the entrance; a lobby; a porch; a hall.
- English Word Vestibulum Definition A cavity into which, in certain bryozoans, the esophagus and anus open.
- English Word Vestigate Definition To investigate.
- English Word Vestige Definition The mark of the foot left on the earth; a track or footstep; a trace; a sign; hence, a faint mark or visible sign left by something which is lost, or has perished, or is no longer present; remains; as, the vestiges of ancient magnificence in Palmyra; vestiges of former population.
- English Word Vestigial Definition Of or pertaining to a vestige or remnant; like a vestige.
- English Word Vesting Definition of Vest
- English Word Vesting Definition Cloth for vests; a vest pattern.
- English Word Vestiture Definition In vestiture.
- English Word Vestlet Definition Any one of several species of actinians belonging to the genus Cerianthus. These animals have a long, smooth body tapering to the base, and two separate circles of tentacles around the mouth. They form a tough, flexible, feltlike tube with a smooth internal lining, in which they dwell, whence the name.
- English Word Vestment Definition A covering or garment; some part of clothing or dress
- English Word Vestment Definition any priestly garment.
- English Word Vestries Definition of Vestry
- English Word Vestry Definition A room appendant to a church, in which sacerdotal vestments and sacred utensils are sometimes kept, and where meetings for worship or parish business are held; a sacristy; -- formerly called revestiary.