VPage 88
- English Word Vigilant Definition Attentive to discover and avoid danger, or to provide for safety; wakeful; watchful; circumspect; wary.
- English Word Vigilantly Definition In a vigilant manner.
- English Word Vigily Definition A vigil.
- English Word Vigintivirate Definition The office of the vigintiviri, a body of officers of government consisting of twenty men; also, the vigintiviri.
- English Word Vignette Definition A running ornament consisting of leaves and tendrils, used in Gothic architecture.
- English Word Vignette Definition A decorative design, originally representing vine branches or tendrils, at the head of a chapter, of a manuscript or printed book, or in a similar position; hence, by extension, any small picture in a book; hence, also, as such pictures are often without a definite bounding line, any picture, as an engraving, a photograph, or the like, which vanishes gradually at the edge.
- English Word Vignette Definition To make, as an engraving or a photograph, with a border or edge insensibly fading away.
- English Word Vigonia Definition Of or pertaining to the vicu/a; characterizing the vicu/a; -- said of the wool of that animal, used in felting hats, and for other purposes.
- English Word Vigor Definition Active strength or force of body or mind; capacity for exertion, physically, intellectually, or morally; force; energy.
- English Word Vigor Definition Strength or force in animal or force in animal or vegetable nature or action; as, a plant grows with vigor.
- English Word Vigor Definition Strength; efficacy; potency.
- English Word Vigor Definition To invigorate.
- English Word Vigorite Definition An explosive containing nitroglycerin. It is used in blasting.
- English Word Vigoroso Definition Vigorous; energetic; with energy; -- a direction to perform a passage with energy and force.
- English Word Vigorous Definition Possessing vigor; full of physical or mental strength or active force; strong; lusty; robust; as, a vigorous youth; a vigorous plant.
- English Word Vigorous Definition Exhibiting strength, either of body or mind; powerful; strong; forcible; energetic; as, vigorous exertions; a vigorous prosecution of a war.
- English Word Viinage Definition The place or places adjoining or near; neighborhood; vicinity; as, a jury must be of the vicinage.
- English Word Viking Definition One belonging to the pirate crews from among the Northmen, who plundered the coasts of Europe in the eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries.
- English Word Vilany Definition Villainy.
- English Word Vilayet Definition One of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire; -- formerly called eyalet.