আ পৃষ্ঠা ১৬
- Bengali Word আনন্দ English definition 1 joy; delight; cheerfulness: আনন্দের ঢেউ. (2) happiness; contentment. (3) pleasure; satisfaction; gratification; propitiation; gladness. (4) merriment; amusement; hilarity; joviality: আনন্দ করা. আনন্দ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) rejoice; make merry. আনন্দকর (adjective) delightful; pleasant; gladdening. আনন্দজনক/আনন্দদায়ক (adjective) what causes joy; delightful; pleasant. আনন্দন (noun) (1) act of producing joy/delight. (2) greeting; words of welcome. আনন্দ বিহ্বল (adjective) overwhelmed with joy; beside oneself with joy. আনন্দময় (adjective) joyful; delightful; happy; cheerful; merry. আনন্দময়ী (adjective) (1) (feminine) of আনন্দময়. (2) Hindu goddess Durga. আনন্দ-লহরি (noun)1 wave of joy; surge of delight. (2) one-stringed musical instrument.
- Bengali Word আনন্দাশ্রু English definition (noun) tears of joy.
- Bengali Word আনন্দিত English definition (adjective) delighted; happy; glad; pleased; merry.
- Bengali Word আনন্দোচ্ছ্বাস English definition (noun) burst of joy; ecstasy of happiness.
- Bengali Word আনমন English definition (noun) act of bending down/curving slightly; inclination.
- Bengali Word আনমনা English definition (adjective) unmindful; absent-minded; unaffected; indifferent. আনমনে (adverb) Iistlessly; inattentively; absent-mindedly.
- Bengali Word আনমিত English definition (adjective), (adverb) slightly bent down; inclined.
- Bengali Word আনম্র English definition (adjective) polite; courteous; modest.
- Bengali Word আনসার English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) helper; volunteer. (2) the people of Medina who helped the immigrants from Mecca under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (sm).
- Bengali Word আনা ১ English definition (verb transitive) bring; fetch. (noun) coming: আনাগোনা. (adjective) brought forth: তোমার আনা কাপড়. আনানো (verb transitive) have (something) brought by sb (somebody); make (somebody) bring (something).
- Bengali Word আনা ২, আনি English definition (noun) one-sixteenth part of a thing: এক আনা/আনি.
- Bengali Word আনা ৩ English definition (noun)(suffix) indicating one’s conduct or position: বাবুয়ানা, গরিবানা.
- Bengali Word আনাগোনা English definition (noun) act of coming and going. আনাগোনা করা (verb transitive) go often (to a place).
- Bengali Word আনাচ-কানাচ English definition (noun) nook and corner; lanes and by-lanes; secluded/neglected places.
- Bengali Word আনাজ English definition (noun) green-stuff; vegetables. আনাজ-পত্র (noun) spinach and vegetables fit for cooking.
- Bengali Word আনানো English definition = আনা ১
- Bengali Word আনাম English definition [corrup of Arabic আমান)] (adjective) entire; the whole. একটা আনাম কেক.
- Bengali Word আনার English definition [Persian] (noun) the pomegranate. আনারকলি (noun) (1) the bud of the pomegranate; green pomegranate. (2) a famous place/bazar of Lahore.
- Bengali Word আনারস English definition [portuguese] the pineapple. আনারসি (adjective) of sweet acid taste.
- Bengali Word আনাড়ি English definition (adjective) (1) untrained; unskilled; inexperienced. (2) ignorant; foolish. (noun) novice; quack. আনাড়িপনা (noun) inefficiency; awkwardness; clumsiness.