আ পৃষ্ঠা ৪২
- Bengali Word আহা English definition (interjection) expressing sorrow, sympathy, etc; ah! oh! alas! আহামরি (interjection) expression of praise or ridicule. (adjective) excellent; admirable; praiseworthy: আহামরি রূপ.
- Bengali Word আহাদ, আল-আহাদ English definition [Arabic] (noun) Allah, the One and Only object of adoration.
- Bengali Word আহাদিল English definition (adjective) afflicted; wounded.
- Bengali Word আহাম্মক, আহাম্মুক English definition [Arabic] lacking in common sense; foolish. (noun) a fool; a dunce. আহাম্মকি, আহাম্মুকি (noun) folly; idiocy; stupidity. আহাম্মকের ধাড়ি an inveterate fool.
- Bengali Word আহার English definition (noun) (1) act of eating. (2) food; meal; diet. আহার করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) eat; dine. আহার দেওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) feed; give food. আহারদাতা (noun) provider of food; feeder; (figurative) maintainer, supporter. আহারদাত্রী (feminine) = আহার. আহারনিদ্রা (noun) food and sleep. আহার ও বাসস্থান (noun) food and lodge; bed and board. আহার বিহার (noun) food and pleasures. আহারান্তে (adverb) after the dinner/meal. আহারার্থ (adverb) for eating/dining. আহারার্থী, আহারপ্রার্থী (adjective) seeking food. আহারী (adjective) (1) eating. (2) voracious; gluttonous.
- Bengali Word আহার্য English definition (noun) article of food. adjective 1 eatable; edible. (2) fit to be collected/procured.
- Bengali Word আহিক English definition (noun) a snake-charmer.
- Bengali Word আহুত English definition (adjective) what has been sacrificed as burnt-offering. আহুতি (noun) burnt-offering; an oblation.
- Bengali Word আহূত English definition (adjective) invited; summoned: invoked. আহূতি (noun) invitation; call; invocation.
- Bengali Word আহৃত English definition (adjective) (1) collected. (2) compiled. (3) earned.
- Bengali Word আহেলি English definition (adjective) pure; genuine; unadulterated; of high and pure origin; new; raw; inexperienced.
- Bengali Word আহ্নিক English definition (adjective) daily; diurnal. (noun) daily ritual of the Hindus. আহ্নিকগতি (noun) diurnal rotation of the earth.
- Bengali Word আহ্বান English definition (noun) invitation; call; summons: সভা আহ্বান করা. আহ্বান করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) call; convene; invite; summon. (2) challenge : যুদ্ধে আহ্বান/প্রতিযোগিতায় আহ্বান করা.
- Bengali Word আহ্বায়ক English definition (noun) convener. আহ্বায়িকা (feminine) = আহ্বায়ক.
- Bengali Word আহ্লাদ English definition (noun) (1) joy; delight. (2) indulgence; fondling. আহ্লাদ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) rejoice; take delight. আহ্লাদ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) give indulgence. আহ্লাদিত (adjective) delighted; joyful. আহ্লাদী (adjective) (feminine) seeking indulgence. আহ্লাদে আটখানা beside oneself with joy. আহ্লাদে মাথায় চড়া become impudent/be spoilt as a result of over/indulgence.
- Bengali Word আহ্লে English definition = আহেল
- Bengali Word আড় ১ English definition (adjective) squint; oblique; crooked: আড় চোখ. আড় ভাঙা (verb intransitive) straighten a thing. আড় চোখে চাহনি/ চাউনি sidelong took; oblique glance. আড় চোখে চাওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) look askance.
- Bengali Word আড় ২ English definition (adjective) other; opposite.
- Bengali Word আড় ৩ English definition (noun) width; breadth. আড়কাঠ (noun) cross-beam. আড়ে-দিঘে (adverb) in length and breadth. আড়ভাবে crosswise; obliquely.
- Bengali Word আড় ৪, আইড় English definition (noun) kind of fish without scales.