আ পৃষ্ঠা ৩৬
- Bengali Word আলুফাদার English definition [Persian] (noun) holder of a lucrative post.
- Bengali Word আলুবোখারা English definition [Persian] (noun) acidic fruit from Bokhara; Sort of dried plum; prune.
- Bengali Word আলুলায়িত English definition (adjective) loose; untied; dishevelled: আলুলায়িত কেশ.
- Bengali Word আলেখ্য English definition (noun) picture; portrait; painting.
- Bengali Word আলেম, আলিম English definition [Arabic] (adjective) learned in religion. (noun) theologian; scholar; learned man.
- Bengali Word আলেমুল গায়েব English definition [Arabic] (noun), (adjective) one who knows the secret; All-knowing: আল্লাহ্ আলেমুল গায়েব.
- Bengali Word আলেয়া English definition (noun) (1) luminous marsh-gas; will-o-the-wisp; ignis fatunus. (2) (figurative) ray of false hope; delusion. আলেয়ার আলো (noun) (figurative) false allurement; tempting object.
- Bengali Word আলো English definition (noun) (1) light; beam; gleam. (2) lamp; lantern. (3) beauty: রূপের আলো. (4) lustre; effulgence. আলো করা (verb intransitive) light up; lighten; brighten; illuminate. আলো দেখানো (verb intransitive) (1) show light. (2) (figurative) guide; give hope. আলো আঁধারের খেলা interplay of light and shade.
- Bengali Word আলো-আঁধারি English definition (noun) (1) mixture of light and shade; semi-darkness; twilight. (2) treatment of light and shade in painting; chiaroscuro.
- Bengali Word আলোক English definition (noun) light; beam; ray; lustre; effulgence. আলোকগৃহ (noun) tower emitting powerful light to direct navigation or aviation at night; lighthouse. আলোকচিত্র a photograph; photography. আলোকচিত্রকর (noun) photographer. আলোকচিত্রবিদ্যা (noun) the art or process of producing images by the action of light; photography. আলোকচ্ছটা (noun) flush/beam of light. আলোক-তড়িৎ (noun) photo-electricity. আলোক-তাড়িত (adjective) photo-electric. আলোক-বিজ্ঞান the science of light and vision; optics. আলোকময় (adjective) lighted; luminous. আলোকলতা (noun) parasitic creeper. আলোকসঙ্কেত (noun) signal of lights; beacon. আলোকসজ্জা (noun) decoration with light; illumination. আলোকিত (adjective) lighted; illuminated. আলোকিত করা (verb intransitive) lighten up; illuminate. আলোকিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) be lighted/ illuminated.
- Bengali Word আলোচনা English definition (noun) (1) discussion; study; culture (জ্ঞানালোচনা). (2) examination; criticism (কাব্যালোচনা). (3) movement; deliberation; thought; consideration: এ বিষয়ে উত্তপ্ত আলোচনা চলছে. আলোচনা করা (verb transitive) discuss; deliberate; consider. আলোচিত (adjective) discussed; considered; deliberated.
- Bengali Word আলোচ্য English definition (adjective) placed for/under consideration; to be examined/discussed.
- Bengali Word আলোছায়া English definition (noun) Interplay of light and shade.
- Bengali Word আলোনা English definition (adjective) salt-free: আলোনা মাটি.
- Bengali Word আলোময় English definition (noun) (1) light; beam; gleam.
- Bengali Word আলোড়ন English definition (noun) (1) churning; stirring. (2) agitation; movement. আলোড়ন করা (verb intransitive) stir; churn; excite; agitate.
- Bengali Word আলোড়িত English definition (adjective) stirred; churned; agitated.
- Bengali Word আলোয়-আলোয় English definition (adverb) by daylight; whilst there is light.
- Bengali Word আলোয়ান English definition [Arabic] (noun) woollen wrapper; shawl.
- Bengali Word আল্লা English definition (noun) Allah, the Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer of the universe as described in the Qoran