আ পৃষ্ঠা ৭
- Bengali Word আগাম English definition (adjective) given in advance. (adverb) in advance. (noun) advance.
- Bengali Word আগামী English definition (adjective) next; ensuing; coming. আগামীকল্য tomorrow. আগামী পরশু day after tomorrow. আগামী মাস next month: আগামী মাসের ১৫ তারিখ, the 15th proximo.
- Bengali Word আগার English definition (noun) house; room; container.
- Bengali Word আগিলা English definition (adjective) preceding; previous; former.
- Bengali Word আগুন English definition (noun) fire. আগুন জ্বালা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) kindle; make/ light a fire. আগুন নিভানো (verb transitive) put out/ extinguish a light. আগুন ধরা/ লাগা catch fire. আগুন লাগানো (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) set fire to; set on fire. আগুন হওয়া (verb intransitive) (figurative) flare up; fly into a rage. রেগে আগুন burning with rage. সংসারে আগুন লাগানো fill the house with discord.
- Bengali Word আগুয়ান English definition (adjective) forward; leading; going ahead. আগুয়ান হওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) advance; go ahead; take the lead.
- Bengali Word আগে English definition (adverb) (1) at first; formerly; in the beginning. (2) in front; before. আগে আগে (adverb) in front. আগের, আগেকার adjective of the past. আগেভাগে (adverb) in advance; at the outset.
- Bengali Word আগ্নেয় English definition (adjective) producing fire; fiery; igneous. আগ্নেয়গিরি (noun) a volcano. আগ্নেয়দ্বীপ (noun) volcanic island. আগ্নেয়শিলা (noun) igneous rock. আগ্নেয়াস্ত্র (noun) fire-arms.
- Bengali Word আগ্রহ English definition (noun) (1) eagerness; earnestness; zeal. (2) craving; longing. (3) attachment; fondness; attention. আগ্রহী, আগ্রহান্বিত (adjective) eager; zealous; earnest; intent.
- Bengali Word আগড়-বাগড় English definition [Hindi] (noun) (1) trashy or worthless things; rubbish. (2) idle talk.
- Bengali Word আগড়ম-বাগড়ম English definition (noun) meaningless chatter.
- Bengali Word আঘাত English definition (noun) blow; stroke; hit; shock; beating. আঘাত করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) give a blow or blows; strike; hit. আঘাত পাওয়া (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) receive/sustain a blow; be struck/hit/beaten. (2) be mortified.
- Bengali Word আঙিনা, আঙ্গিনা English definition (noun) courtyard; compound.
- Bengali Word আঙুর, আঙ্গুর English definition (noun). আঙুর খেত (noun) vineyard; grapery. আঙুর গাছ/লতা (noun) vine. আঙুর ফল টক (prov) Grapes are sour.
- Bengali Word আঙুল, আঙ্গুল English definition (noun) (হাতের) finger; (পায়ের) toe: আঙুল মটকানো (verb intransitive) snap one's fingers. হাতের বুড়া আঙুল (noun) the thumb. পায়ের বুড়া আঙুল (noun) the great toe. বুড়া আঙুল দেখানো (verb intransitive) (literally) show the thumb in defiance; (figurative) defy; disregard. আঙুল ফুলে কলাগাছ (noun), (adjective) one who has suddenly risen to eminence and so lacks refinement; upstart, nouveau riche.
- Bengali Word আঙ্গিক English definition (adjective) (1) relating to the body Iimb(s); bodily. (2) technique. (Noun) (1) dramatic motions/ poses. (2) structure; form.
- Bengali Word আঙ্গিনা English definition আঙিনা (noun) courtyard; compound
- Bengali Word আঙ্গুর English definition আঙুর (noun) vineyard; Grapery. আঙুর গাছ/লতা (noun) vine. আঙুর ফল টক Grapes are sour.
- Bengali Word আঙ্গুল English definition (noun) (হাতের) finger; (পায়ের) toe: আঙুল মটকানো (verb transitive) snap one's fingers.
- Bengali Word আচকান English definition [Persian] (noun) kind of long coat for men.