ক পৃষ্ঠা ২৯
- Bengali Word কাজল English definition (noun) kohl, cosmetic preparation used in the East to darken the eye-lids. কাজলকালো (adjective) as black as kohl; dark-black.
- Bengali Word কাজলা English definition (adjective) black: কাজলা গাই, কাজলা মেয়ে. (noun) (1) sugarcane of reddish variety. (2) a wedge used by sawyers when sawing timber. (3) variety of paddy.
- Bengali Word কাজি, কাজী English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) a dispenser of justice under Muslim law/rule; a judge. (2) registrar of marriages under Muslim law.
- Bengali Word কাজেই, কাজে কাজেই English definition (adverb) for that or this reason; consequently; therefore.
- Bengali Word কাঞ্চন English definition (noun) (1) that which has lustre; gold. (2) variety of flower. (3) wealth; riches: কাঞ্চন কৌলীন্য, aristocracy of riches, not of blood or culture. (4) variety of paddy. (adjective) made of gold; gold coin: কাঞ্চনমুদ্রা. কাঞ্চন প্রভ (adjective) having the lustre of gold. কাঞ্চনসন্ধি (noun) a treaty or agreement concluded on equal terms and so likely to be happy and enduring. মণিকাঞ্চন যোগ (noun) a connection or union as beautiful and desirable as that between gold and jewel.
- Bengali Word কাট English definition [English] a cutting or design: জামার কাট.
- Bengali Word কাট ছাঁট English definition (noun) addition or alteration.
- Bengali Word কাটখোট্টা English definition (adjective) (1) rough, uncouth and ill-mannered. (2) lacking in sense of humour/refined taste: বিজ্ঞানের আলোচনা বড়ই কাটখোট্টা. (3) unfeeling; unsympathetic outspoken: কাটখোট্টা কথাবার্তা.
- Bengali Word কাটতি English definition (noun) (of a commodity) sale; demand.
- Bengali Word কাটনা English definition (noun) (1) act of spinning. (2) a spinning wheel. কাটনা কাটা (verb intransitive) spin.
- Bengali Word কাটনী English definition (noun) a spinner.
- Bengali Word কাটমোল্লা English definition (noun) a bigoted and illiberal Muslim cleric.
- Bengali Word কাটলেট English definition [English] (noun) a fried slice of meat cut from the rib-bones; a cutlet.
- Bengali Word কাটা English definition (verb intransitive) (1) out something down; to fell: গাছ কাটা, গাছের ডাল কাটা, lop off a branch. (2) dig; excavate: পুকুর কাটা. (3) to bite: সাপে কাটা. (4) pen through; strike off: লেখা/নাম কাটা. (5) pass over: বিপদ কাটা. (6) mend or sharpen পেন্সিল কাটা. (7) pinch or pick: পকেট কাটা. (8) disperse: মেঘ কাটা. (9) chop or hew: মাংস কাটা. (1০) gather; harvest: ফসল কাটা. (11) operate on (somebody/something): ফোঁড়া/ ছানি কাটা. (12) pass away; elapse: সময় কাটা, দিন কাটা. (adjective) cut; severed; lopped off. কাটাকুটা, কাটাকুটি (noun) penning through (a writing) frequently for corrections and alterations. (adjective) untidy on account of frequent additions, alterations and corrections; injury done by a cut; open wound; festering wound. কাটা কাটা ঘায়ে নুনের ছিটা (prov) hurting a person’s feelings who is already in pain of some injury; adding insult to injury. কাপড় কাটা (verb intransitive) (1) cut out cloth according to definite measurements for making garments, etc. (2) be eaten up by moths. কাটা কাপড় (noun) piece goods. আঁচড় কাটা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) to scrape with the finger nails; make a scratch. (2) to make an impression on (somebody’s) mind: এতে তার মনে আঁচড় কাটলো না, this didn’t make a mark/have any effect on his mind. কথা কাটা (verb intransitive) refute an argument, opinion, etc (prove it to be wrong or mistaken). কথা কাটাকাটি (noun) argument and counter argument; altercation. কাটাকাটি মারামারি (noun) a violent affray; a tumultuous brawl or bloodshed. কান কাটা (noun), (adjective) one who has suffered disgrace or indignity/has been humiliated. খাল কাটা dig/excavate a canal; (figurative) do something that places the enemy at an advantage. খাল কেটে কুমির আনা bring on a calamity by one’s own imprudence. গলা কাটা (verb intransitive) to charge exorbitant price for a commodity: গলা কাটা দাম. গাঁট কাটা (verb intransitive) to pick a pocket. গাঁট-কাটা (noun) a pick-pocket. ঘোড়ার ঘাস কাটা (figurative) (1) be engaged in something that is not worth-doing or paying. (2) while away one’s time. ঘোর কাটা (inertia, illusion, etc) be disillusioned. তার ঘুমের ঘোর তখনো কাটেনি his drowsiness was not yet over. চিমটি কাটা (verb transitive) to pinch. চেক কাটা (verb intransitive) write out or draw a cheque. ছড়া কাটা (verb intransitive) to cap verses. ছানা কাটা (verb intransitive) to turn (milk) into posset. জাবর কাটা (of animals) chew the cud. (figurative) (1) repeat something again and again like chewing the cud. (2) reflect/ponder over something of the past. জিভকাটা press the tip of the tongue between the teeth. টেরি কাটা parting the hair. ঠোঁট কাটা (adjective) (figurative) saying freely what one thinks; outspoken. ডানা কাটা পরী (sarcastic) as pretty as a fairy the only difference being the absence of wings. তাল কাটা (music) to make a slip in measure; fail to maintain musical time or measure: হঠাৎ কাটা কেটে গেল, There was a sudden breach of measure. দাগ কাটা = আঁচড় কাটা (2). নাক কান কাটা যাওয়া be extremely humiliated. ফাঁড়া কাটা be out of the woods; get out of danger. বুক কাটা (adjective) (of a garment) open at the front; open-breast: বুক-কাটা জামা. মাথা-কাটা (adjective) without a top; topless. মাথা কাটা যাওয়া be extremely ashamed of. মেঘ কাটা 1 (verb intransitive) (of coads) be dispersed. (2) (of doubts) be dispelled. সময় কাটা (of time pass on: আমার সময় কাটে না, time hangs heavy on my hands. সাঁতার কাটা (verb intransitive) swim. সিঁথি কাটা (verb intransitive) part one’s hair. সিঁধ কাটা (verb intransitive) break into a house to commit burglary; burgle. সুতা-কাটা (verb intransitive) twist (wool , cotton, silk, etc) into threads; spin. হাতা-কাটা (adjective) (of shirts, etc) having sleeves upto the elbow or having no sleeves. কাটানো (verb transitive) (1) cause something to be cut/ dug/ chopped. (2) pass or spend: সময় কাটা. (3) get over; overcome: ফাঁড়া/ বিপদ কাটা.
- Bengali Word কাটারি English definition (noun) tool for chopping wood, meat, etc; a chopper; a billhook.
- Bengali Word কাটিম English definition = কাঠিম
- Bengali Word কাটুর কুটুর English definition (interjection) denoting the sound of cutting or scratching with the teeth as by mice.
- Bengali Word কাট্য English definition (adjective) what may be refuted or disproved; refutable (opposite অকাট্য).
- Bengali Word কাঠ English definition (noun) the substance of the trunk and branches of a tree; timber; wood. (adjective) (1) dry like wood: গলা শুকিয়ে কাঠ. (2) motionless like a log of wood: ভয়ে কাঠ হওয়া. (3) lean and thin; reduced to a skeleton; bony: শরীর শুকিয়ে কাঠ. কাঠ কয়লা (noun) coal made by charring wood; charcoal. কাঠ কুড়ানি (noun) (feminine) woman who lives by collecting and selling twigs; pauper. কাঠ খড় (noun) (1) materials for making fire; wood and hay; fuel. (2) (figurative) preparations necessary for doing something. কাঠ খড় পোড়ানো (verb intransitive) (figurative) undergo various troubles and expenses to achieve an end: অনেক কাঠ খড় পুড়িয়ে তবে লাইসেন্সটি পেয়েছি, secured the license for a great amount of trouble and expenses. কাঠ খোলা (noun) frying pan used without sand or oil. কাঠ গড়া (noun) enclosure in a law court in which an accused/ a witness stands while facing trial/ giving evidence; a witness-box. কাঠ গোলা (noun) yard where logs of wood, planks, boards, etc are stored; lumber yard; lumber-mill. কাঠ ঠোকরা (noun) a variety of bird that clings to the bark of trees and pecks it to find insects; woodpecker. কাঠপিঁপড়া (noun) black long ant; wood-ant. কাঠ ফাটা রোদ (noun) scorching rays of the sun. কাঠ বিড়ালি (noun) small cat-like tree-climbing animal with bushy tail and grey fur; the squirrel. কাঠ মল্লিকা (noun) a variety of sweet scented jasmine flower; wild jasmine.
- Bengali Word কাঠা ১ English definition (noun) (1) measure of land (720 sq feet): পাঁচ কাঠা জমি. (2) a receptacle for measuring grains, etc.