চ পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word চট ১ English definition (interjection) denoting quickness or promptness: চট করে এসো.
- Bengali Word চট ২ English definition (noun) coarse cloth made of jute; hessian; gunny. চটের থলি (noun) a gunny bag.
- Bengali Word চটক ১ English definition (noun) a small brownish-grey bird; the sparrow.
- Bengali Word চটক ২ English definition (noun) a fascinating/glamorous show. চটকদার (adjective) having a spectacular appearance; glamorous; attractive.
- Bengali Word চটকানো English definition (verb transitive) press and squeeze some soft thing with the hands to make a paste of it.
- Bengali Word চটচট English definition (interjection) suggesting something sticky or viscid. চটচটে (adjective) that which sticks to anything that touches it; sticky.
- Bengali Word চটপট English definition (adverb) in a quick manner; quickly; promptly: চটপট কাজ শেষ করো. চটপটে (adjective) full of quick movement.
- Bengali Word চটা ১ English definition (verb intransitive) be irritated/ annoyed; get angry. চটাচটি (noun) angry exchange of words; quarrel. চটানো (verb transitive) excite the temper of; make angry; irritate. রগচটা (adjective) easily annoyed or made angry; tending to get angry at small things; irritable.
- Bengali Word চটা ২ English definition (verb intransitive) break into chinks; crack; split.
- Bengali Word চটা ৩ English definition (noun) thin slip of bamboo used for making mat, etc.
- Bengali Word চটাস English definition (interjection) suggesting sound of slapping.
- Bengali Word চটি ১ English definition (noun) kind of slippers open at the heels (also চটি জুতা).
- Bengali Word চটি ২ English definition (adjective) thin, not fat: চটি বই.
- Bengali Word চটুল English definition (adjective) (1) quick, light, and neat in movement; quick-moving; nimble. (2) never quiet; always moving about; restless: চটুল স্বভাব. (3) not serious; tight: চটুল রচনা. (4) fascinating; captivating: চটুল নয়না.
- Bengali Word চট্টোপাধ্যায় English definition (চট্ট + উপাধ্যায়) (noun) title of certain Bengali-speaking Brahmin families (also, চাটুয্যে).
- Bengali Word চণ্ড English definition (adjective) (1) furious in an uncontrolled way; very angry. (2) fierce; ferocious; severe: চণ্ডনীতি. (noun) (mythology) name of a furious demon. চণ্ডী, চণ্ডা (feminine) = চণ্ড.
- Bengali Word চণ্ডাল English definition (noun) the lowest caste according to Hindu mythology; a member of this caste. (2) (figurative) very cruel person. চণ্ডালিনী, চণ্ডালী (feminine) = চণ্ডাল.
- Bengali Word চণ্ডিকা English definition (noun) Hindu goddess Durga.
- Bengali Word চণ্ডী English definition (noun) (1) a manifestation of goddess Durga. 2 a part of the Hindu Purana (Markandeya) narrating the activities and glory of goddess Chandi.3 (figurative) art irritable or wrathful woman. চণ্ডীপাঠ (noun) recital of the Chandi. চণ্ডীপাঠ থেকে জুতা সেলাই পর্যন্ত all activities irrespective of high and low, great and small. চণ্ডীমঙ্গল (noun) eulogistic literature about goddess Chandi. চণ্ডীমণ্ডপ (noun) shrine for the worship and glorification of Chandi. উগ্রচণ্ডী (noun) (feminine) a noisy quarrelsome woman. মঙ্গলচণ্ডী (noun) the benignant form of goddess Chandi. রণচণ্ডী (noun) (1) goddess Chandi in the state of fighting the demons.2 (figurative) a violent and bad-tempered woman.
- Bengali Word চণ্ডু English definition [Hindi] a kind of narcotic drug prepared from poppy seeds. চণ্ডু সেবন করা (verb intransitive) smoke opium. চণ্ডুখানা (noun) place where opium smokers can obtain and use this drug; opium-den.