চ পৃষ্ঠা ৯
- Bengali Word চাঁদোয়া English definition (noun) a covering of cloth over a bed or seat or over an enclosed place on ceremonial occasions; a canopy.
- Bengali Word চাঁপা English definition (noun) (1) a kind of flower and its tree; the champak. (2) a variety of small banana with a soury taste.
- Bengali Word চাঁড়াল English definition (noun) the lowest caste according to Hindu mythology; a member of this caste.
- Bengali Word চাই English definition (verb transitive) (in the first person) I/We want
- Bengali Word চাইতে, চেয়ে English definition (conjunction) than (used for introducing the second part of a comparison of inequality): মাছের চাইতে মাংস সস্তা, Meat is cheaper than fish.
- Bengali Word চাইর English definition (colloquial) = চার
- Bengali Word চাইল English definition (noun) (1) a sloping roof or thatch: ঘরের চাল
- Bengali Word চাউল, চা’ল, চাল English definition (noun) husked paddy; rice. আতপ চাউল (noun) rice obtained from unboiled paddy. সিদ্ধ চাউল (noun) rice obtained from boiled and sunned paddy.
- Bengali Word চাউল-মুগরা English definition (noun) a kind of small plant, whose seeds produce a medicinal oil that cures itches.
- Bengali Word চাও English definition (verb transitive) (in second person) you want/wish: তুমি কি চাও?
- Bengali Word চাওন English definition (colloquial) act of wishing/ desiring/ praying/asking for.
- Bengali Word চাওয়া ১ English definition (verb transitive) (1) wish for the possession or enjoyment of; desire; covet; aspire: মুক্তি চাওয়া. (2) want; ask for; request for: টাকা চাওয়া, সময় চাওয়া, অনুমতি চাওয়া. (noun) act of wishing or asking for. চাওয়ানো (verb transitive) cause to want/pray for/request for. চাওয়া মাত্র (adverb) for the asking; on demand.
- Bengali Word চাওয়া ২ English definition (verb intransitive) (1) look at; stare at. (2) open one’s eyes; see. (noun) act of seeing/looking at. চাওয়া-চাওয়ি (noun) meaningful exchange of looks. মুখ তুলে চাওয়া be fabourably disposed to; bestow favour on.
- Bengali Word চাক English definition (noun) (1) a wheel. (2) anything circular in shape. (3) a potter’s wheel (which shapes earthenware vessels). (4) beehive: একটি চাকে প্রচুর মধু হয়. চাক চাক (adverb) in round and flat pieces: শশা চাক চাক করে কাটা.
- Bengali Word চাকচিক্য English definition (noun) (1) brightness; glitter; lustre; glaze; polish. (2) external glamour. চাকচিক্যময় (adjective) glittering; lustrous; glamorous; glazing; glossy.
- Bengali Word চাকতি English definition (noun) (1) a small wheel. (2) something round and flat; a disc. রূপোর চাকতি (noun) a silver coin.
- Bengali Word চাকর English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) a man-servant in a house, receiving wages and usually food and lodgings. (2) a salaried employee engaged in an office or organization. (3) one who attends an officer or master: হুকুমের চাকর. চাকরানি (feminine) maid-servant. চাকর বাকর, চাকর-নফর. চাকর-চাকরানি (noun) (plural) servants or menials collectively.
- Bengali Word চাকরান English definition [Persian] (noun) grant of land for the maintenance of a servant in lieu of salary: চাকরান জমি, rent-free land given to a servant.
- Bengali Word চাকরি, চাকুরি English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) working for another for a stated amount of remuneration; employment; a job: তার চাকরি নেই, he is out of employment/without a job. (2) the post of an employee: চাকরি খালি, situation vacant; চাকরি খালি নেই, (there is) no vacancy. চাকরি করা (verb intransitive) serve or work (in an office, etc); be in service; hold an appointment: সে সরকারি চাকরি করে, He is in government service; He works in a government office; He is a government servant/employee. চাকরি ত্যাগ করা (verb intransitive) resign one’s post. চাকরি থেকে অবসর গ্রহণ করা (verb intransitive) retire from service. চাকরিতে যোগদান করা (verb intransitive) (1) join one’s appointment. (2) enter service. চাকরি বাকরি (noun) a profession or source of living.
- Bengali Word চাকরে, চাকুরে English definition (adjective) in the employ (of a public or business concern); in service; serving: তিনি সরকারি চাকরে, He is in public service/ government employ; চাকরে মহিলা, a working woman. (noun) an employee; a servant.