ন পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word নটে English definition নটিয়া
- Bengali Word নত English definition (adjective) (1) bent; bowed; curved; inclined; inclining. (2) bowing to; saluting. (3) low; depressed; sunk: নত জমি. (4) deep; hanging down. (5) bent down by; turned towards; directed downwards: নতদৃষ্টি. (6) humble; meek; low: নতকণ্ঠ. (7) lowered; humbled: উচ্চশির নত হওয়া. (8) submissive; yielding; meek: শক্তিমানের সামনে নত. নত করা (verb transitive) (1) bend; lower; incline; direct downwards; flex. (2) humble; bring somebody to his knees; humiliate. নত হওয়া (verb intransitive) stoop; bend; bow (to); submit/ subject one's self; yield; give way; genuflect; bend the knee. নতজানু (adjective) (1) knelt down; on bended knee(s); genuflected. (2) (figurative) submissive; subservient. নততল (noun) (geometry) plane of inclination. নত দৃষ্টি, নত নয়ন (noun(s)) lowered eyes. (adjective(s)s with lowered eyes. নতনাস, নতনাসিক (adjective(s) flat-nosed; snub-nosed. নতমস্তক (adjective) (1) stooping (forward); bending/ hanging down the head; having the head hanging down. (2) downcast; submissive; defeated; humiliated; meek. নতমস্তকে (adverb) hanging one's head (in shame, etc). নতমুখ (adjective) having one's lace bent downwards; looking down; abashed. নতমুখী (adjective). নতশির = নতমস্তক. নতাংশ (noun) (astronomy) zenith distance. নতাঙ্গ (adjective) bent; curved; bowed; stoopedy. নতাঙ্গী (feminine) = নত. (noun) smooth-/round-Iimbed woman.
- Bengali Word নতি English definition (noun) (1) bending; bowing; stooping. (2) modesty; humbleness; meekness; humility. (3) submission; humbling; yielding. (4) genuflexion. (5) (astronomy) inclination; parallax in latitude; dip of the horizon. (6) curvature; crookedness. (7) (mech) slope. নতিমাত্রা (noun) (mathematics, mech) gradient. নতিমান (adjective) = নত. নতি স্বীকার করা (verb intransitive) yield; submit; concede defeat.
- Bengali Word নতুন English definition (adjective) (1) new; novel. (2) young; at the first blush/ onset; youthful: নতুন যৌবন. (3) tender; youthful: নতুন বয়স. (4) modern; recent. (5) unknown; strange; new: নতুন মানুষ. (6) newly born/ grown; new-fledged; newborn: নতুন শাবক. (7) fresh; early; first: নতুন ফল/নতুন শাকসব্জি. (8) original; fresh; new-fangled: নতুন ধারণা. (9) changed: সে এখন নতুন লোক. (10) fourth in order of seniority: নতুনদা. নতুন করে (adverb) anew; afresh; over 'again. নতুনত্ব (noun) newness; novelty; originality; freshness; modernity. নতুনবতী (adjective) newly ordained/ initiated; neophyte.
- Bengali Word নতুবা English definition con otherwise; else; or.
- Bengali Word নতোদর English definition (adjective) (1) 'deep-naveled'; slim; thin. (2) concave.
- Bengali Word নতোন্নত English definition (adjective) depressed and elevated; undulating.
- Bengali Word নত্তা English definition (noun) Hindu sacrament observed on the night day from birth of a baby.
- Bengali Word নথ English definition (noun) nose-ring. নথ নাড়া দেওয়া (verb intransitive) (of a wife) pull a wry face; get into a huff; scold/ rebuke (one's husband); flare up.
- Bengali Word নথি English definition (noun) (1) file; record; dossier; list; roll; papers. (2) (law) documents; plains; brief. নথিপট্ট (noun) file-board. নথিপত্র (noun) (plural) records and papers (collectively). নথিভুক্ত (adjective) filed; recorded; on the record. নথিভুক্ত করা (verb transitive) file, place on record. নথি নিবন্ধ (noun) file-register. নথি নিবন্ধক (noun) file-registrar. নথি নিষ্পত্তিপত্রী (noun) file disposal slip. নথি প্রাপক (noun) record-finder. নথিরক্ষক (noun) record-keeper. নথি শামিল = নথিভুক্ত
- Bengali Word নদ English definition (noun) large river. নদ নদী (noun) (plural) rivers (collectively).
- Bengali Word নদারৎ English definition [Persian] (phrase) have no. খাতির নদারৎ no favour.
- Bengali Word নদী English definition (noun) river; stream. নদীকূল (noun) bank of a river; riverside. নদীগর্ত (noun) bottom of a river; riverbed. নদীতট, নদীতীর = নদীকূল. নদীতীরবর্তী, নদীতীরস্থ (adjective) situated on the bank of a river; riparian; riverside. নদীতীরবাসী (adjective), (noun) dwelling on the riverside; riverside dweller; riverain. নদীতীরবাসিনী (feminine) = নদী. নদীপথ (noun) waterway; riverway; course of a river. নদীপথে (adverb) by river. নদী প্রবাহ (noun) current/ tide of a river. নদীবক্ষ (noun) bosom/surface of a river. নদীবক্ষে (adverb) on/ upon river. নদীবহুল (adjective) abounding in rivers; rivery. নদীমাতৃক (adjective) irrigated/ watered by rivers; well watered. নদীমুখ (noun) mouth of a river; estuary. নদী সৈকত = নদীকূল. নদীস্রোত = নদী প্রবাহ.
- Bengali Word নদ্ধ English definition (adjective) (1) bound; tied; fastened; bound on/ around. (2) put on; worn. (3) joined; connected; wound; inlaid; interwoven.
- Bengali Word নধর English definition (adjective) (1) succulent; luscious; savoury; mellow; juicy; delicious, sweet; plump: নধর অধর; লাউয়ের নধর ডগা. (2) buxom; bonny; plump; rotund; shapely; ravishing; voluptuous; luscious; well-proportioned; fleshy: নধরতনু. নধরকান্তি (adjective) luscious; bonny; lovely; exquisite; beauteous;
- Bengali Word ননদ English definition (noun) (feminine) sister of one's husband; sister-in-law. ননদাই (noun) husband of one's husband sister; brother-in-law.
- Bengali Word ননদিনী, ননদীননদিনী, ননদী English definition (noun(s) (feminine) (poetic) = ননদ
- Bengali Word ননাস English definition (noun) (feminine) eldest sister of one's husband.
- Bengali Word ননী, ননি English definition (noun(s) cream (of milk). ননীর পুতুল (noun) (1) (literally) doll made of cream ; of jelly baby. (2) (figurative) (ironical) one who is physically too delicate to undertake any strenuous work; sissy; weakling.
- Bengali Word নন্দদুলাল English definition (noun) (1) beloved son of Nanda; Sri Krishna. (2) (derogatory) worthless son of doting parents.