ন পৃষ্ঠা ৭
- Bengali Word নব ২ English definition (noun), (adjective) nine. (adjective) ninth. নবগুণ (noun) nine marks (of high birth). নবগুণিত (adjective) multiplied by nine. নবগ্রহ (noun) nine planets (collectively). নবচত্বারিংশ (adjective) forty-nine. নবচত্বারিংশৎ (noun), (adjective) forty-nine. নবচত্বারিংশত্তম (adjective) forty-ninth. নবচত্বারিংশত্তমী (feminine) = নবচত্বারিংশত্তম. নবতি (noun), (adjective). ninety. নবতিতম (adjective) ninetieth. নবতিতমী (feminine) = নবতিতম. নবদুর্গা (noun) goddess Durga in her nine forms. নবদ্বার (noun) nine doors/apertures of the body. নবধা (adjective) nine parts/ways/times; of nine kinds. (adverb) in nine ways/parts; by nine times. নবনবতি (noun), (adjective) ninety-nine. নবনবতিতম (adjective) ninety-ninth. নব নবতিতমী (feminine) = নব নবতিতমী. নব বিংশতি (noun), (adjective) twenty-nine. নব বিংশতিতম (adjective) twenty-ninth. নব বিংশতিতমী (feminine). নবম (adjective) ninth. নবমী (noun) ninth day of a lunar fortnight. নবমুখ (adjective) having nine aperture/ openings. নবরত্ন (noun) (1) nine precious gems (pearl, ruby, topaz, etc). (2) nine jewels (ie, nine men of letters at the court of Vikramaditya). নব রত্নসভা (noun) court of Vikramaditya adorned with nine men of letters. নবরস (noun) (rhetorical) nine sentiments/ passions (love, heroism, anger, etc). নব লক্ষণ = নবগুণ. নবশাখ, নবশায়ক (noun(s) name given to any of the nine inferior castes (cowherd, gardener, oilman, weaver, confectioner, water-carrier, potter, blacksmith and barber). নব সম্পর্কিত (adjective) newly allied.
- Bengali Word নবতন English definition (adjective) new; fresh.
- Bengali Word নবনী, নবনীত English definition (noun) fresh butter. নবনীতুল্য (adjective) soft and white like cream; cream-like.
- Bengali Word নবাংশ English definition (noun) (astrology) ninth part.
- Bengali Word নবাঙ্কুর English definition (noun) (1) new shoot/bud. (2) (figurative) inception; germination: ভালোবাসার নবাঙ্কুর.
- Bengali Word নবান্ন English definition (noun) new rice/ grain; ceremony observed on first eating new rice in the month of Agrahayan (অগ্রহায়ণ).
- Bengali Word নবাব English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) nabob; nawab; ruler of a territory; governor of a district/ town; viceroy. (2) arrogant, ease-loving, luxurious man. নবাবজাদা (noun) nawab's son. নবাবজাদি (feminine) nawab's daughter. নবাব-নাজিম (noun) provincial governor and judge. নবাব পুত্তুর (noun) (ironical) = নবাব (2). নবাবপুত্র = নবাবজাদা. নবাবপুত্রী = নবাবজাদি.
- Bengali Word নবাবি, নবাবী English definition (adjective) (1) relating to a nawab. (2) extravagant; lavish; luxurious: নবাবি চাল. (noun) (1) office/ state of a nawab. (2) deportment/ bearing like that of a nawab. (3) extravagant/ luxurious way of life.
- Bengali Word নবারুণ English definition (noun) newly risen sun; first light of the day; daybreak; dawn.
- Bengali Word নবার্জিত English definition (adjective) newly earned/ acquired.
- Bengali Word নবি English definition = নবী
- Bengali Word নবিস ১ English definition [English] (noun) novice; probationer. নবিসি (noun) probation; noviciate; novitiate.
- Bengali Word নবিসিন্দা English definition [Persian] (noun) scribe; correspondent.
- Bengali Word নবী ১ English definition [Arabic] (noun) prophet.
- Bengali Word নবী ২ English definition (adjective) (in compounds) = নব ১. নবীকরণ (noun) making new; renewing; renewal; renovation; repair; mending. নবীকৃত (adjective) renewed; renovated; revived; mended; repaired. নবী ভবন (noun) becoming new; state of being renewed; renewal; renovation. নবীভাব (noun) becoming new; renovation; renewed state. নবীভূত (adjective) become new; renewed; renovated.
- Bengali Word নবীন English definition (adjective) fresh; new; young; tender-aged; modern; novel. নবীনা (feminine) = নবীন . নবীনতা, নবীনত্ব (noun(s) freshness; newness; youthfulness; novelty; modernity.
- Bengali Word নবীয়সী English definition (adjective) (feminine) = নবীনা
- Bengali Word নবুয়ত English definition [Arabic] (noun) office of a prophet; prophethood.
- Bengali Word নবেতর English definition (adjective) other than new; old.
- Bengali Word নবোদিত English definition (adjective) newly/recently risen; newly appeared/ revealed.