ব পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word বই ১, বহি English definition (noun) (1) book. (2) register; ledger. বইপত্র (noun) books and similar other things. বইয়ের পোকা (noun) (literally, figurative) bookworm. বই বের করা (verb transitive) publish (a book). বই বের হওয়া (verb intransitive) be published/on the market.
- Bengali Word বই ২ English definition (noun) the creeping root of a kind of arum.
- Bengali Word বই ৩, বৈ English definition prep (noun) without; except; other than; nothing else than: তুমি বৈ আর কেউ জানে না. বৈ কি (adverb) of course; surely: যাব বৈ কি; (ironical) (in question) denoting denial, disbelief, etc: বলব বৈ কি? I’m not going to tell you. বৈ নয়, বৈ তো নয় only: দুদিন বৈ তো নয়. তা বৈ কি 1 that’s it. (2) It’s doubtful.
- Bengali Word বইঠা, বৈঠা English definition (noun) scull.
- Bengali Word বউ English definition (noun) (1) wife. (2) daughters-in-law. (3) brother’s wife; sister-in-law. (4) a married woman: ঘরের বউ. (5) bride. (6) housewife. (7) someone as bashful as a newly married woman: তার এতো লজ্জা, যেন ঘরের বউটি. বউ-ঝি, বউ-বেটি (noun(s)) daughters and daughters-in-law; women-folk. বউ-মানুষ (noun) (1) family woman. (2) child-wife. কলাবউ (noun) a young banana-plant dressed as a married lady and conceived as a female deity worshipped by Hindus; a wife with a long veil; a awkwardly bashful woman. কুলের বউ (noun) = বউ-মানুষ. বউ-কথা-কও (noun) the Indian nightingale. বউ-কাটকি (noun) a woman given to torturing her daughter-in-law. বউড়ি (noun) a young wife; child-wife. বউদিদি, বউদি (colloquial) (noun) an elder brother’s wife; sister-in-law. বউ-ভাত (noun) the ceremony of a bride’s serving out food for the first time to her husband’s kinsfolk; a marriage feast in honour of the bride. বউমা (noun) son’s wife; daughter-in-law; a younger brother’s wife; sister-in-law. বউ গড়া (noun) a ceremony to welcome the bride to her father-in-law’s house.
- Bengali Word বউনি ১ English definition (noun) (cost) of carrying goods; carriage.
- Bengali Word বউনি ২ English definition (noun) the first (cash) sale or earning of the day.
- Bengali Word বউল English definition (noun) bud; blossom. বউল ধরা (verb intransitive) bud; be in blossom; put forth buds.
- Bengali Word বউলি, বউলী English definition (noun) an earning or eardrop.
- Bengali Word বওয়া English definition (verb transitive) (verb intransitive) (colloquial form of বহা) (1) convey; endure; suffer; carry; bear. (2) flow; run: শীতল বাতাস বইছে. (3) keep up/active: এ শরীর আর বয় না. (4) have an interest in; feel like: কোনো বিষয়ে তার আর গা বয় না. (5) elapse; pass: সময় বয়ে গেল. (6) go to the bad; go to the dogs: কুসঙ্গে মিলে ছেলেটা বয়ে গেল. (adjective) spoiled by bad association; dissolute. বওয়াটে (adjective) dissipated; dissolute. আমার বয়ে গেছে (phrase) I don’t care a damn/hang. বয়ে-যাওয়া ছেলে a spoiled/ dissipated boy. বওয়ানো, বওয়ান (verb transitive) (causative of বওয়া) cause to bear/carry/endure/ convey/ suffer; cause to flow/run.
- Bengali Word বক English definition (noun) (1) a kind of heron or crane. (2) kind of heron-shaped flower. (3) a hypocrite; a cheat. বক দেখানো (verb intransitive) taunt by cupping one’s palms almost in the shape of a heron. বকী (feminine) of বক. বকঠুঁটো (noun) a species of sweet-water fish with a long slender beak. বকধার্মিক (adjective) feigning or simulating piety or virtuousness; hypocritical; sanctimonious. (noun) hypocrite; a cheat; a false devotee. বকধ্যান (noun) sanctimonious/ hypocritical meditation. বকবৃত্তি (noun) feigned piety or virtuosity; sanctimony; hypocrisy. বকব্রত (noun) crane-like conduct; hypocrisy. বকব্রতী (adjective) (1) = বক ধার্মিক. (2) given to false play; deceitful. বকযন্ত্র (noun) (chemistry) retort; still.
- Bengali Word বকন ১ English definition (noun) (1) chattering; prating. (2) reproof; rebuke; reproach; talking to.
- Bengali Word বকন ২ English definition (noun) (1) = বকনা. (2) বকন বাছুর (noun) = বৎসতরী
- Bengali Word বকনা English definition (noun) a young cow that has not yet had a calf; heifer.
- Bengali Word বকনি English definition = বকুনি
- Bengali Word বকবক English definition (noun) (1) (onomatopoeia) suggesting water entering into a pitcher; gurgle. (2) chatter; tittle-tattle; blabber; prattle; prating. বকবক করা (verb intransitive) chatter continuously; prattle; drone on; rabbit on.
- Bengali Word বকবকম English definition = বকম
- Bengali Word বকবকানো English definition (verb intransitive) = বকবক করা. বকবকানি (noun) intolerable prattling; prating; tittle-tattle.
- Bengali Word বকভাণ্ড English definition (noun) (chemistry) flask.
- Bengali Word বকম ১, বকমবকম, বকবকম English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) suggesting cooing of the pigeon or any similar noise. বকবকম করা (verb intransitive) coo.