ব পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word বকম ২, বকম কাঠ English definition (noun) a kind of tree or its timber which gives a red dye-stuff.
- Bengali Word বকরি, বকরী English definition [Arabic] (noun) she-goat; nanny-goat; goat.
- Bengali Word বকরী ঈদ, বকরীদ English definition [Arabic] (noun) the Muslim festival of sacrifice on the 10th of the month of Zilhaj, in commemoration of Abraham’s offering to sacrifice his son Ismail.
- Bengali Word বকলম English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) person signing for an illiterate person. (2) act of signing for an illiterate person. (adjective) an alphabet; illiterate.
- Bengali Word বকলম ২ English definition [English] (noun) buckle. বকলম আঁটা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) buckle.
- Bengali Word বকশি, বক্সী English definition [Persian] (noun) (1) (history) general;commander-in-chief; paymaster;disbursing officer; collector of taxes. (2) title of some rural and urban eminent persons.
- Bengali Word বকশিশ, বকশিস , বকসিস, বখশিশ English definition = বখশিশ
- Bengali Word বকা ১ English definition (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) (1) prattle; prate; talk overmuch; chatter; ramble. (2) scold; chide; castigate. বাজে বকা (verb intransitive) talk nonsense.
- Bengali Word বকা ২, বকাট, বকাটে English definition বখা
- Bengali Word বকা ৩ English definition (noun) (derogatory) = বকা. (adjective) (1) of or like a heron. (2) (figurative) hypocritical: বকা ধার্মিক.
- Bengali Word বকাঝকা English definition (noun) scolding; chiding; upbraiding. বকাঝকা করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) scold; chide; upbraid; reprove; tongue-lash.
- Bengali Word বকাণ্ডপ্রত্যাশা(ন্যায়) English definition (noun) a hope as vain as the expectation of a heron to obtain the scrotum of bull; vain hope.
- Bengali Word বকানো, বকান English definition (verb transitive) (1) cause to talk overmuch. (2) prolong a discussion by raising objections.
- Bengali Word বকাবকি English definition (noun) (1) debate; argumentation; altercation; dispute. (2) scolding; chiding; reproof. বকাবকি করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) (1) debate; argue; altercate. (2) scold; chide; upbraid.
- Bengali Word বকামি English definition = বখা
- Bengali Word বকাল English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1)= বক্কাল (1). (2) bark (of a tree). (3) medicinal herbs. (3) spices.
- Bengali Word বকালি English definition (noun) druggist.
- Bengali Word বকুনি English definition (noun) (1) scolding; chiding. (2) garrulity; prating. বকুনি খাওয়া (verb transitive) be scolded/rebuked/chided. বকুনি দেওয়া (verb transitive) scold; chide; rebuke.
- Bengali Word বকুল English definition (noun) a large evergreen tree; its sweet scented white flower.
- Bengali Word বকেয়া English definition [Arabic] (adjective) still unpaid or undone; remaining; outstanding. (noun) arrears; arrearage; dues; balances. বকেয়া খাজনা (noun) arrears of rent; outstanding rent. বকেয়া বাকি (noun) arrears or arrearage of the last year.