ভ পৃষ্ঠা ২১
- Bengali Word ভুগা, ভোগা English definition (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) suffer; experience; undergo; be rewarded/requited for; sustain; suffer from; be afflicted/ harassed/ punished/ troubled with; pass through: কষ্টে ভুগা, জ্বরে ভুগা, তোমাকে আরো অনেক ভুগতে হবে. ভুগানো (verb transitive) cause to suffer/ undergo; give persistent/ constant trouble; afflict; trouble; harass; punish; torment; gall; chasten. ভুগানি (noun) suffering; affliction; trouble; torment; harassment.
- Bengali Word ভুজ English definition (noun) (1) arm; hand. (2) side. (3) side of any geometrical figure; abscissa; arm: ত্রিভুজ, চতুর্ভুজ. (adjective) having sides ভুজা (feminine): দশ ভুজ. ভুজকোটর (noun) armpit. ভুজকোটি (noun) (germ) co-ordinates. ভুজপাশ, ভুজবন্ধন (noun(s)) snare/clasp of one’s arms; embrace; hug; cuddle. ভুজ পাশে বাঁধা / ভুজ বন্ধনে বাঁধা (verb transitive) clasp in one’s arms; embrace; cuddle; hug. ভুজবল (noun) strength of one’s arms; might; prowess. ভুজমধ্য (noun) breast. ভুজলতা (noun) a long slender arm. ভুজশিরঃ (noun) shoulder. ভুজস্তম্ভ (noun) paralysis of the arms. অতিভুজ (noun) (geometry) hypotenuse. চতুর্ভুজ (noun) (geometry) quadrilateral. ত্রিভুজ (noun) (geometry) triangle. দশভুজ (noun) (geometry) decagon. পঞ্চভুজ (noun) (geometry) pentagon. বহুভুজ (noun) (geometry) polygon. বিষমভুজ (noun) (geometry) scalene. ষড়ভুজ (noun) (geometry) hexagon. সপ্তভুজ (noun) (geometry) heptagon. সমভুজ (noun) (geometry) equilateral. সমদ্বিভুজ (noun) (geometry) isosceles.
- Bengali Word ভুজং ভাজাং English definition (noun) false/flimsy arguments/ allurements/consolation: ভুজং ভাজাং দিয়ে টানা.
- Bengali Word ভুজগ English definition (noun) (1) snake; serpent. (2) lecher; debauchee. ভুজগী (feminine) = ভুজগ. ভুজগান্তক, ভুজগাশন (noun(s) (1) serpent destroyer/serpent eater. (2) the Gadura. (3) peacock.
- Bengali Word ভুজঙ্গ, ভুজঙ্গ English definition (noun) (1) = ভুজগ (1). (2) tin; lead. ভুজঙ্গিনী, ভুজঙ্গী , ভুজঙ্গমী (feminine) (1) female snake; serpent-maid. (2) malevolent/vicious woman. ভুজঙ্গ ভুক (adjective) serpent eating. (noun) (1) the Gadura. (2) peacock.
- Bengali Word ভুজা English definition (adjective) fried: ভাজা ভুজা. ভুজাই (noun) frying.
- Bengali Word ভুজাংশ English definition (noun) (astronomy) celestial longitude.
- Bengali Word ভুজাগ্র, ভুজাদল English definition (noun(s)) hand.
- Bengali Word ভুজান্তর English definition (noun) (1) other arm. (2) breast.
- Bengali Word ভুজালি English definition = ভোজালি
- Bengali Word ভুঞা, ভুঁয়া, ভুইঞা English definition = ভুঁইঞা
- Bengali Word ভুঞ্জন English definition (noun) enjoyment; eating; consumption.
- Bengali Word ভুঞ্জা English definition (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) (poetic, archaic) (1) suffer; enjoy; experience. (2) eat; consume. ভুঞ্জানো (verb transitive) make/ cause somebody to enjoy/ eat/ suffer.
- Bengali Word ভুঞ্জিত English definition (adjective) eaten; enjoyed; suffered; undergone.
- Bengali Word ভুটভাট, ভুটভুট, ভুটরভাটুর English definition (noun(s) (onomatopoeia) denoting sounds as gas moves through the bowels; rumbling in the bowels.
- Bengali Word ভুট্টা English definition (noun) maze; mealie; (US) corn.
- Bengali Word ভুতি English definition (noun) inedible core and pulp of a jack-fruit.
- Bengali Word ভুতুড়ে English definition (adjective) (1) relating to ghosts; done by ghosts; ghostly: ভুতুড়ে গল্প, ghost-story. (2) haunted: ভুতুড়ে বাড়ি. (3) ghostlike; spectral; spooky; wraithy; eerie; uncanny; weird: ভুতুড়ে পরিবেশ.
- Bengali Word ভুতড়ি, ভুতুড়ি English definition (noun) = ভুতি
- Bengali Word ভুনি, ভুনী English definition (adjective) fried. ভুনি খিচুড়ি (noun) a particular dish made cooked by trying rice and lentil in clarified butter.