ভ পৃষ্ঠা ২৩
- Bengali Word ভুষ্টিনাশ English definition (noun) annihilation; destruction; ruin.
- Bengali Word ভুসা, ভুসো English definition (noun) (1) ashes of burnt rice, paper, etc. (2) soft. (3) lampblack (used as a collybrium and applied to eyelashes and eyelids). (4) ink. (adjective) sooty; ashen.
- Bengali Word ভুসি English definition ভুষি
- Bengali Word ভুসুণ্ডি, ভুসণ্ডী English definition (noun) kind of fire-arm.
- Bengali Word ভুড়ভুড় English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) suggesting sound of something sinking slowly in muddy water; effervescence; bubble.
- Bengali Word ভুড়ভুড়ি English definition (noun) effervescence; bubble; bubbling up; froth; foam. ভুড়ভুড়ি ভাঙা (verb intransitive) bubble; effervesce; ferment; bubble up; fizz; froth; foam.
- Bengali Word ভুয়া, ভুয়ো English definition (adjective) unsubstantial; false; hollow; empty; unreal; flimsy; baseless; airy; illusory; vaporous.
- Bengali Word ভূ English definition (noun) (1) the earth; world; universe; space. (2) underworld. (3) land; ground; soil; landed property: ভূ সম্পত্তি, (4) floor; pavement; piece of ground. (5) sacrificial fire. ভূকম্প, ভূকম্পন noun(s) earthquake. ভূকম্পবিদ্যা (noun) seismography. ভূকম্পলিখ (noun) seismograph. ভূকর্ণ (noun) radius of the equator. ভূকেন্দ্রীয় (adjective) (astronomy) geocentric. ভূকেশ (noun) lichen; moss. ভূখণ্ড (noun) division/part of the earth; region; country. ভূগর্ভ (noun) bowels/ inside of the earth; subterranean region. ভূগর্ভস্থ, ভূগর্ভস্থিত adjective(s) lying in the bowels of the earth; subterranean; underground. ভূগর্ভস্থ রেলপথ (noun) underground railway; tube-railway. ভূগহ্বর (noun) underground cavity/hole; cavern; underground chamber; subterranean. ভূগহ্বরবাসী (adjective) dwelling underground. (noun) dweller in an underground cell. ভূগোল, ভূগোলবিদ্যা noun(s) geography. ভূগোলক (noun) (the terrestrial) globe. ভূচক্র (noun) equator; equinoctial line. ভূচর (adjective) going on/ inhabiting the earth; living/moving on the earth; terrestrial. ভূচাল, ভূচালা, ভূচালি noun(s) earthquake. ভূচিত্র (noun) map. ভূচিত্রাবলী (noun) atlas. ভূ-চুম্বকত্ব (noun) (physics) terrestrial magnetism. ভূচ্ছায়া (noun) (1) shadow of the earth; darkness. (2) eclipse. ভূতত্ত্ব, ভূতত্ত্ববিদ্যা noun(s) geology. ভূতত্ত্ববিদ, ভূতাত্ত্বিক noun(s) geologist. ভূতত্ত্বীয় (adjective) geological. ভূতল (noun) (1) surface of the earth; face/floor of the earth; ground. (2) the nether world. ভূতলশয়ন (noun) lying on the ground. ভূতলশায়ী (adjective) laid/lying upon the bare ground; fallen/prostrated on the round; floored; knocked to ground. ভূতলশায়িনী (feminine) = ভূতলশায়ী . ভূতলস্থ, ভূতলস্থিত adjective(s) standing/being on the surface of the earth; terrestrial; earthly. ভূতাত্ত্বিক (adjective) geological. ভূদান (noun) gift of land. ভূত্বক (noun) (geology) rust of the earth. ভূদেব (noun) divinity upon earth; Brahmin. ভূধন (noun) “whose property is the earth”; king. ভূধর (noun) (1) ‘earth-supporting’ mountain. (2) serpent-demon Shaheshanaga. ভূনিম্ন (noun) the region underground. (adjective) underground. ভূনিম্ন তার (noun) underground cable. ভূপটল (noun) (geog) crest of the earth. ভূপ (noun) ‘earth-protector’; king; prince. ভূপতি (noun) ‘lord of the earth’; king; monarch; prince. ভূপতিত (adjective) fallen to the earth. ভূপতিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) fall on/to the ground; prostrate oneself on the ground. ভূপদ (noun) tree. ভূপরিধি (noun) circumference of the earth. ভূপর্যস্ত (adjective) thrown on the ground. ভূপাত (noun) (1) following on the ground; falling down. (2) (geology) landslide; Iandslip. ভূপতিত = ভূপর্যস্ত. ভূপাতিত করা (verb transitive) pull down/fell to the ground; knock to the ground; floor. ভূপাল (noun) ‘earth-guardian’; king; prince. ভূপুত্র (noun) the planet Mars. ভূপৃষ্ঠ (noun) surface of the earth. ভূপেন্দ্র (noun) the greatest among kings. ভূপ্রদক্ষিণ (noun) going around the earth; circumnavigation. ভূপ্রদক্ষিণ করা (verb intransitive) ambulate/ travel round the earth; rotate round the earth; circumnavigate. ভূপ্রকৃতি (noun) (geog) configuration. ভূবলয় (noun) equator; circumference of the earth. ভূবাসন (noun) settlement. ভূবিদ্যা (noun) geology. ভূবিদ্যাগত (adjective) geological. ভূবিদ্যাবিদ (noun) geologist. ভূ-বিষুব (noun) equator. ভূ-বিষুবরেখা (noun) terrestrial equator. ভূবৃত্ত (noun) equatorial circle; equator. ভূভার (noun) burden of the earth; burden of sins committed by mankind; burdensome charge of administering and protecting the earth. ভূভার হরণ করা (verb transitive) redeem/ absolve the sins of mankind. ভূভারত (noun) (1) India; all India. (2) earth; world. ভূভারতে (adverb) any where. ভূভৃৎ (noun) ‘earth-supporter’; mountain; king; prince. ভূমণ্ডল (noun) terrestrial globe; orbis terrarium. ভূরুহ (noun) tree. ভূলতা (noun) earth worm. ভূলুণ্ঠিত (adjective) fallen/ prostrated on the ground; rolling/ wallowing on the ground ভূলুণ্ঠিতা (feminine) = ভূলুণ্ঠিত. ভূলুণ্ঠিত হওয়া (verb intransitive) roll/wallow on the ground; fall to the ground; prostrate oneself on the ground. ভূলেপন (noun) cow-dung; swabbing with a solution of cow-dung. ভূলোক (noun) terrestrial world; earth. ভূশায়িত (adjective) lying/ fallen on the earth. ভূশয্যা (noun) couch on the bare ground; base ground as one’s bed. ভূশায়িত (adjective) laid/ knocked to the ground; lying upon the bare ground; floored ভূশায়িতা (feminine) = ভূশায়িত. ভূশায়ী (adjective) lying on the bare ground ভূশায়িনী (feminine) = ভূশায়ী. ভূসংস্কার (noun) ground-preparation. ভূসংস্থান (noun) topography. ভূসম্পত্তি (noun) landed property; real estate. ভূসুত (noun) the planet mars. ভূসুতা (noun) (feminine) Sita, wife of Rama. ভূস্তর (noun) (geology) stratum of the earth. ভূস্পন্দ (geog) earth-tremor. ভূস্বর্গ (noun) heaven on earth ; earthly paradise. ভূস্বামী (noun) landlord; landholder ভূস্বামিনী (feminine) = ভূস্বামী.
- Bengali Word ভূঁই English definition (noun) = ভুঁই. ভূঁই আমলকি (noun) the plant Flacourita cataphracta. ভূঁই কদম্ব (noun) a kind of kadamba. ভূঁই-কামড়ি (noun) plant that creeps along the ground. ভূঁই-কুমড়া (noun) liquorice. ভূঁই ছাতি (noun) mushroom. ভূঁই জাম (noun) a species of plant; Premna herbacea. ভূঁই পটোকা (noun) fire-works.
- Bengali Word ভূঁইয়া English definition = ভুঁইঞা
- Bengali Word ভূঁদি English definition (noun) (feminine). 1 fat; rotund; podgy; tubby. (2) pot-bellied. ( ভোঁদা).
- Bengali Word ভূঃ English definition (noun) (1) world; earth. (2) land; ground. (3) (mythology) the first of the seven regions.
- Bengali Word ভূগোল English definition (noun) geography. = ভূ.
- Bengali Word ভূঞা English definition (noun) (1) landlord; landowner. (2) feudal prince. ভূঞা রাজা (noun) feudal prince.
- Bengali Word ভূত English definition (noun) (1) ghost of a deceased person; demon; bogy; bogey; goblin; spook; spectre; apparition. (2) spirit (good or evil). (3) one of the class of supernatural beings who attend on Shiva. (4) an element; one of the five elements: পঞ্চভূত. (5) that which is/exists; any living being (divine, human, animal and even vegetable). (6) fact; matter of fact; reality. (7) the past: ভূত ভবিষ্যৎ. (adjective) (1) past; gone; become; been. (2) (used as suffix) being; being like anything; consisting of; mixed/joined with; reduced to: অশ্মীভূত. (3) savage; wild; barbarian; uncivilized. ভূতা (noun) (feminine) of ভূত. the fourteenth day of the dark-half of the month of Kartik. ভূত ছাড়া (verb intransitive) be exorcised. ভূত ছাড়ানো/ ঝাড়ানো/ তাড়ানো/ ভাগানো (verb transitive) exorcise. ভূত দেখা (verb transitive) see an apparition; look as if one has seen a ghost; (figurative) take fright. ভূত নামানো (verb transitive) (1) exorcise. (2) call up ghosts/ spirits in order to obtain messages from them (as by spiritualists). (3) raise the spirits. ভূতে ধরা / ভূতে পাওয়া (verb intransitive) be possessed (by evil spirits). ভূতের ওঝা / রোজা (noun) exorciser. ভূতের বাপের শ্রাদ্ধ (noun) (figurative) great and gross waste/extravagance; horrible mess; Pandemonium ; mob rule; chaos. ভূতের বেগার (noun) profitless toil/venture; thankless job; wild-goose chase. ভূতের বোঝা (noun) burden of the five elements/ existence. ভূতের বোঝো বয়ে মরা (figurative) (1) shoulder a heavy responsibility in vain. (2) just exist; vegetate; live in vain. ঘাড়ে ভূত চাপা (figurative) be possessed with an evil intention; be under an evil influence; be possessed; be obsessed. সরিষার মধ্যে ভূত (figurative) virus in the antidote. ভূতের মুখে রাম নাম (figurative) saying or doing something contrary to one’s nature (especially evil nature); singing another tune. ভূতকাল (noun) past time; (grammar) past/preterite tense. ভূতগণ (noun) (1) host of living beings. (2) multitude of spirits attending on Shiva. ভূতগত (adjective) (1) dissolved into the elements. (2) futile sterile; useless ; vain: ভূতগত পরিশ্রম. ভূতগ্রস্ত (adjective) (1) possessed by an evil spirit. (2) working/ moving mechanically as if possessed; dazed ভূতগ্রস্তা (feminine) = ভূতগ্রস্ত. ভূতগ্রাম (noun) multitude of spirits/ sinners. ভূতঘ্ন (adjective) destroying spirits/ demons. ভূত চতুর্দশী (noun) the fourteenth day in the dark half of the month Kartik. ভূততত্ত্ব (noun) (1) physics. (2) demonology. ভূততত্ত্ববিদ (noun) proficient/ versed in demonology. ভূতধাত্রী (noun) (feminine) the earth. ভূতনাথ (noun) Shiva. ভূতনায়িকা (noun) (feminine) ‘leader of the Bhutas’; Durga. ভূতপক্ষ (noun) the dark lunar fortnight. ভূতপতি (noun) Shiva. ভূতপূর্ণিমা (noun) the day of full moon in the month Aswin (when the Bhutas are worshipped). ভূতপূর্ব (adjective) former; previous; ancient; erstwhile; late; prior; old. ভূতপ্রেত (noun) (plural) (ghosts and) spirits collectively. ভূতবলি (noun) offering of food, etc to all created beings. ভূত বিজ্ঞান, ভূতবিদ্যা noun(s) knowledge of evil beings; demonology. ভূত ভবিষ্যৎ (noun) (plural) the past and the future. ভূতভর্তা, ভূতভৃৎ adjective(s) sustaining the elements/creatures. ভূতময় (adjective) containing all beings; consisting of the five elements. ভূতযজ্ঞ = ভূতবলি. ভূতযোনি (noun) according to Hindu belief existence in the shape of ghosts after one’s death. ভূযোনি প্রাপ্ত হওয়া (verb intransitive) become a ghost after one’s death. ভূত শুদ্ধি (noun) (1) purification of the elemental/ mortal body. (2) knowledge; conscience. ভূতসংজ্ঞ (noun) flooding/ drowning of all creatures; universal deluge. ভূতসঞ্চার (noun) possession by evil spirits. ভূতসঞ্চার হওয়া (verb intransitive) be possessed by evil spirits. ভূতসঞ্চারী (noun) forest conflagration. ভূতাত্মা (noun) (1) elemental body; human body. (2) ghost; demon; spirit. (3) Brahma. ভূতাবাস (noun) body (as the abode of elements). ভূতাপেক্ষ (adjective) retrospective. ভূতাবিষ্ট (adjective) = ভূত গ্রস্ত. ভূতাবেশ = ভূত সঞ্চার. ভূতার্ত (adjective) tormented by demons. ভূতার্থ (adjective) real; genuine; authentic.
- Bengali Word ভূতল English definition (noun) (1) surface of the earth; face/floor of the earth; ground. (2) the nether world. ভূ
- Bengali Word ভূতি English definition (noun) (1) eight divine powers of Shiva. (2) superhuman power (as attainable by the practice of austerity and magical rites). (3) welfare personified. (4) ashes. (5) origin; birth. (6) prosperity; well-being; might; wealth; fortune. (7) ornament; decoration. (8) title of the Vaishyas. ভূতি কর্ম (noun) any auspicious rite/ ceremony. ভূতিকাম (adjective) desirous of wealth/ property.
- Bengali Word ভূতিয়া English definition (adjective) of ghosts; ghostly.
- Bengali Word ভূতুড়ে English definition (noun) (1) exorciser. (2) those who always live in the company of gnosts/ spirits.
- Bengali Word ভূতোপহত English definition = ভূতগ্রস্ত ( ভূত)