র পৃষ্ঠা ৫
- Bengali Word রচয়িতা English definition (noun) author; composer; writer; maker; builder; constructor; creator. রচয়িত্রী (feminine) = রচয়িতা.
- Bengali Word রজ, রজঃ English definition (noun) (1) dust. (2) pollen of flowers. (3) menstrual excretion. (4) = রজোগুণ. রজঃকণা (noun) grain of dust.
- Bengali Word রজক English definition (noun) washerman. রজকী, রজকিনী (feminine) washer-woman.
- Bengali Word রজত English definition (noun) silver. (adjective) silver-coloured; whitish; made of silver; silvery. রজতকান্তি (adjective) silver-white. রজতগিরি (noun) the mountain Kailasa. রজতজয়ন্তী (noun) silver jubilee. রজতদ্যুতি, রজতধবল, রজতবর্ণ, রজতশুভ্র adjective(s) silver-white; silver-coloured; silvery. রজতপ্রস্থ = রজতগিরি. রজতমুদ্রা (noun) silver coin. রজতমূল্য (noun) price paid in silver coins. রজতাঙ্গুরীয় (noun) silver-ring.
- Bengali Word রজন English definition (noun) resin; rosin; gamboge.
- Bengali Word রজনী, রজনি English definition (noun) night. রজত কর, রজত কান্ত, রজত নাথ noun(s) the moon. রজত গন্ধা (noun) tuberose. রজত চর (adjective) wandering in the night. (noun) night-rover; thief; Rakshasa; nocturnal animal. রজত জল (noun) night-dew; hoar-frost. রজত মুখ (noun) evening. রজত যোগে (adverb) by/at night.
- Bengali Word রজস্বলা English definition (noun) (feminine) in menses; menstruating; marriageable.
- Bengali Word রজোগুণ English definition (noun) (philosophy) the second of the three gunas or qualities; it is sometimes identified with tejas (তেজস); it is said to predominate in air, and to be active, urgent and variable. রজোগুণ জনিত (adjective) due/ produced by the quality of rajas. রজোগুণ দর্শন (noun) (first) appearance of the menstrual excretion. রজোগুণ বন্ধ (noun) menopause; suppression of menstruation. রজোগুণ বল (noun) (1) darkness. (2) power of the quality of rajas.
- Bengali Word রজ্জু English definition (noun) rope; cord; string; line; cable. রজোগুণ পথ (noun) ropeway. রজ্জু বদ্ধ (adjective) fastened with a rope; tied with cords; bound with ropes; roped; corded; stringed. রজ্জু ভ্রম (noun) fallacy of mistaking (snakes etc) for a rope.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জক ১ English definition (noun) (1) dyer; colourist; painter. (2) dye; paint; colouring substance. (3) exciter of affection, etc; stimulus. (adjective) exciting passion/ love; pleasing; charming. রঞ্জক দ্রব্য, রঞ্জক পদার্থ noun(s) dye; paint; colouring substance; pigment.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জক ২ English definition (noun) gunpowder. রঞ্জক ঘর (noun) magazine of a gun; touch-hole.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জন English definition (noun) (1) dyeing; colouring; painting; colouration. (2) pleasing; charming; rejoicing; delighting; conciliating; befriending. (3) lover. (4) red sandalwood. (adjective) charming; pleasing; entertaining; rejoicing; delighting; conciliating; delightful. রঞ্জন দ্রব্য (noun) any colouring substance. রঞ্জন প্রণালী (noun) process of dyeing/ colouring. রঞ্জন বিদ্যা (noun) art of dyeing/ colouring; art of pleasing.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জন-রশ্মি English definition (noun) Röntgen rays; x-rays.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জনী English definition (adjective) (feminine) = রঞ্জন. (noun) (1) turmeric. (2) (0). (3) red arsenic. (4) indigo plant.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জনীয় English definition (adjective) to be dyed/ coloured/ painted; to be pleased/ rejoiced.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জা English definition (verb transitive) (poetic) dye; paint; colour.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জিকা English definition (noun), (adjective) (feminine) of রঞ্জক
- Bengali Word রঞ্জিত English definition (adjective) (1) coloured; dyed; painted; tinted; illumined. (2) charmed; enchanted; entertained. রঞ্জিত করা (verb transitive) colour; dye; paint; tint; illumine.
- Bengali Word রঞ্জিনী English definition = (adjective) (feminine) = রঞ্জিত
- Bengali Word রটন, রটনা English definition (noun) (1) rumour. (2) circulation of a report/ rumour. (3) publicity; announcement; propagation; proclamation. (4) scandalous report; idle rumour; hearsay; canard; gossip. রটনা করা (verb intransitive) rumour; noise it abroad; announce; circulate; give publicity to; bruit it abroad.