র পৃষ্ঠা ৬
- Bengali Word রটা English definition (verb intransitive) be in circulation; be bruited abroad/ about; be noised around; be gossiped; be made public; be rumoured. রটানো = রটনা করা ( রটন). যা রটে তার কিছু বটে (figurative) There is some truth in a rumour.
- Bengali Word রটানি English definition = রটন
- Bengali Word রটানে English definition (noun) rumour-monger; tale-bearer; taleteller; gossip.
- Bengali Word রটিত English definition (adjective) rumoured; bruited (about); noised abroad/ around; gossiped; reported; made public; circulated. রটিত হওয়া = রটা.
- Bengali Word রড English definition [English] (noun) rod (especially one of metal).
- Bengali Word রণ English definition (noun) war; combat; fight; conflict; battle. রণ করা (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) fight; combat; wage war; battle. রণ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) give/ offer battle. রণকামী (adjective) desirous of war; wishing to fight; belligerent; militant. রণকুঠার (noun) battle-axe. রণকুশল (adjective) skilled in warfare; martial; warlike. রণকুশলা (feminine) = রণকুশল. রণকৌশল (noun) art of warfare; military tactics/ skill. রণক্ষেত্র (noun) battle-field. রণচণ্ডী (noun) (feminine) goddess Chandi especially when engaged in fighting demons; violent bad tempered woman; termagant. রণচতুর (adjective) skilled in warfare. রণচাতুর্য (noun) military skill/ tactics; skill in warfare; military genius. রণজয় (noun) victory in battle. রণজয়ী, রণজিৎ adjective(s) victorious in war/ battle. রণঢক্কা (noun) war-drum. রণতরঙ্গ (noun) tumult of war/ battle. রণতরি, রণতরী noun(s) warship; battleship. রণতূর্য (noun) war-drum. রণদক্ষ = রণকুশল. রণদক্ষতা = রণ চাতুর্য. রণধীর (adjective) steady in war. (noun) great hero. রণনাদ (noun) war-cry. রণনিপুণ = রণ চতুর. রণনিপুণা (feminine) = রণনিপুণ. রণনৃত্য (noun) war-dance. রণনৈপুণ্য = রণচাতুর্য. রণপণ্ডিত (adjective) skilled in warfare; experienced in the art/ ways of war; skilful in war. রণপাণ্ডিত্য (noun) military expertise/ talent/ genius. রণপোত = রণতরী. রণপ্রণালী (noun) method of warfare; strategy. রণপ্রিয় (adjective) fond of war/ battle; warlike. রণবাদ্য (noun) military musical instrument; martial music; musical band. রণবেশ (noun) fighting attire; military uniform; belligerent approach/ attitude. রণভঙ্গ (noun) retreat from the battle-field; decampment. রণ ভঙ্গ দেওয়া (verb intransitive) retreat/ flee from the battle-field; take flight; beat a (hasty) retreat; decamp. রণভূমি (noun) battlefield; battle-ground. রণভেরি, রণভেরী noun(s) battle-drum. রণমত্ত (adjective) fierce/ frantic in battle; frenziedly fighting. রণমুখ (noun) jaws of battle; van of battle/ an army; eager for battle; bellicose. রণমুখো (adjective) bellicose; eager for battle; warlike. রণমুখী (feminine) = রণমুখো. রণযাত্রা (noun) military expedition/ campaign. রণরঙ্ক (adjective) (1) tired of fighting; exhausted in combat. (2) eager for battle; longing for battle. (noun) elephant exhausted in battle. রণরঙ্গ (noun) (1) fun/ delight of fighting. (2) battle-field. (3) craze for fighting; bellicosity. (adjective) fond of fighting. রণরঙ্গী (adjective) fierce in battle. রণরঙ্গিণী (feminine) = রণরঙ্গী. রণরসিক (adjective) fond of fighting; desirous of fighting. রণলক্ষ্মী (noun) (feminine) fortune of war; goddess of battle. রণশয্যা (noun) battle-field as one’s death-bed. রণশিক্ষা (noun) art/ science of war. রণশৃঙ্গ = রণভেরি. রণসঙ্কুল (adjective) in a state of war; engaged in war. (noun) confusion/ noise of battle; mixed/ tumultuous combat. রণসজ্জা, রণসাজ noun(s) battle-dress; military uniform; armament; military equipment; warlike preparations; military accoutrements. রণস্তম্ভ (noun) tower of victory. রণস্থল (noun) battle-ground. রণহস্তী (noun) war-elephant. রণহুঙ্কার (noun) battle-cry; war-cry.
- Bengali Word রণন English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) = রণৎকার ( রণ্য)
- Bengali Word রণপা English definition = রনপা
- Bengali Word রণরণ English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) (1) twang; twanging; clatter; clangour; rattle. (2) humming; buzz (of mosquitoes). (3) mosquito; gnat. (4) regret for something lost. (5) rattling of arms.
- Bengali Word রণরণি English definition (noun) (onomatopoeia) (1) rattle of arms. (2) tinkle of ornaments.
- Bengali Word রণরণিকা English definition (noun) great anxiety/ longing.
- Bengali Word রণাগ্র English definition (noun) front/ van of a battle.
- Bengali Word রণাঙ্গন English definition (noun) battle-field; battle-arena.
- Bengali Word রণাভিযান English definition (noun) military expedition/ campaign.
- Bengali Word রণিত English definition (adjective) sounded; sounding; ringing; tinkled; tinkling. (noun) any ringing/ rattling sound; tinkle. রণিত করা/ হওয়া (verb intransitive) sound; resound; ring; rattle; tinkle; twang.
- Bengali Word রণোদ্যম English definition (noun) eagerness/ preparation for battle.
- Bengali Word রণোন্মত্ত English definition (adjective) fighting furiously; mad in battle.
- Bengali Word রণোৎকট English definition (adjective) furious/ mad in battle.
- Bengali Word রণোৎসাহ English definition (noun) eagerness for battle; prowess in battle.
- Bengali Word রণ্ড English definition (noun) man who dies without male issue. (adjective) (1) faithless. (2) widower. রণ্ডক (noun) barren tree.