স পৃষ্ঠা ৬১
- Bengali Word সাজা ১ English definition [Persian] (noun) punishment; penalty; chastisement; correction; requital; retribution. সাজশ দেওয়া (verb transitive) punish; chastise; award punishment. সাজশ নেওয়া (verb intransitive) receive/ accept punishment; kiss the rod. সাজশ পাওয়া (verb intransitive) be punished.
- Bengali Word সাজা ২ English definition (verb intransitive) (1) dress (oneself); embellish oneself. (2) dress up (as); disguise oneself: সে দস্যু সেজেছে (3) make up; take up the role of: সে হ্যামলেট সেজেছে. (4) pretend to be; assume a false dress/ appearance; pass oneself off as; pose as: সাধু সাজা. (5) equip oneself; get ready; be prepared: যুদ্ধের জন্যে সাজা. (6) prepare; process; get ready: পান/তামাক সাজা. (7) become; behave; befit: এমন কথা তাকে সাজে না. (adjective) (1) disguised/ appearing as; pretending. (2) prepared; processed. সাজানো (verb transitive) (1) dress; embellish; decorate; adorn; beautify: বিয়ের কনে সাজানো. (2) lay out; arrange artistically: বাগান সাজানো. (3) disguise; dress up. (4) cast (for the part of): নাটকে রাজা সাজানো. (5) fit out; rig (with): জাহাজ সাজানো. (6) equip; arm: সেনাদল সাজা নো. (7) arrange; place in order; array; dispose: বইগুলি সাজাও. (8) fabricate; concoct; cook up: মামলা সাজানো. (1) prepare; process; get prepared: কল্কে সাজানো. (adjective) (1) dressed; embellished; decorated; adorned. (2) artistically laid out. (3) disguised. (4) placed in order; arranged; arrayed. (5) fabricated; cooked-up; concocted.
- Bengali Word সাজাত্য English definition (noun) community of race with; equality of kind; homogeneity; kindredness.
- Bengali Word সাজি ১ English definition (noun) kind of high-rimmed, usually round wicker-tray or wicker-basket.
- Bengali Word সাজি ২, সাজি মাটি English definition noun(s) fuller’s earth.
- Bengali Word সাজো English definition (adjective) today’s; fresh; recent: সাজি দই/কাপড়. (adverb) recently; afresh: সাজি ভানা. (noun) = সাজি বাসী. সাজিবাসী (noun) (1) system of washing clothes, etc with fuller’s earth within a few hours. (2) washerman who washes clothes in the aforesaid manner.
- Bengali Word সাট ১ English definition = সাঁট
- Bengali Word সাট ২ English definition (noun) (slang) collusion; conspiracy; mutual understanding.
- Bengali Word সাটিন English definition [English] (noun) satin.
- Bengali Word সাটী English definition = শাটী
- Bengali Word সাত English definition (noun), (adjective) seven. সাতই (adjective) (of the days of a month) seventh; (noun) the seventh day of a month; the seventh. সাত কথার এক কথা (figurative) a weighty remark. সাত কথা শোনানো (figurative) lecture somebody for; scold; lash out; rebuke. সাত কাণ্ড (adjective) consisting of/ divided into seven cantos; lengthy; (noun) grandiose affair. (adverb) at great length; in detail. সাত কাণ্ড রামায়ণ (noun) (figurative) lengthy/ detailed account or narrative. সাত খুন মাপ (figurative) (said of a favourite person) act of keeping one’s eyes closed to all offences/ failings. সাত ঘাটের জল খাওয়ানো put to great trouble; harass. সাত চড়ে রা না করা (figurative) be long-suffering/ extremer meek; take every insult/ oppression lying down. সাত চল্লিশ (noun), (adjective) forty-seven. সাত জন্মে (adverb) (ever) ever in the long past/ future. সাত তবক adj seven-storied. সাত তাড়াতাড়ি (adverb) with an excessive haste; post haste; at the double. সাত নকলে আসল খাস্তা (figurative) repeated imitations makes the origin lose its identity. সাত নরী (adjective) having seven tiers/ strings: সাত নরীহার. সাত নলা (adjective) seven-barrelled. সাত পাঁচ (adjective) various; many and diverse; multifarious. (adverb) about this and that: সাত পাঁচ ভাবা. সাত পুরুষ (noun) seven generations; the long past and uture. সাত ষট্টি (noun), (adjective) sixty-seven. সাত সতের (adjective) various; diverse. সাত সমুদ্র তের নদীর পার (figurative) (in folktales) a place where a human being can hardly go; a place beyond the (corners of the) world. সাতে নেই, পাঁচেও নেই (figurative) perfectly disinterested/ aloof; having no concern with.
- Bengali Word সাতই English definition (noun), (adjective) (colloquial) = সাতই ( সাত)
- Bengali Word সাতত্য English definition (noun) continuity; constancy; uninterruptedness .
- Bengali Word সাতা English definition (noun) the seven of playing-cards.
- Bengali Word সাতাত্তর English definition (noun), (adjective) seventy-seven.
- Bengali Word সাতানব্বই, সাতানব্বুই English definition (colloquial) (noun), (adjective) ninety-seven.
- Bengali Word সাতান্ন English definition (noun), (adjective) fifty-seven.
- Bengali Word সাতাশ English definition (noun), (adjective) twenty-seven.
- Bengali Word সাতাশি, সাতাশী English definition (noun), (adjective) eighty-seven.
- Bengali Word সাতাশে English definition (noun) twenty-seventh day of a month; the twenty-seventh. (adjective) (of the days of a month) twenty seventh.