স পৃষ্ঠা ৬৩
- Bengali Word সাধা English definition (verb transitive) (1) bring about; accomplish (a desired thing); effect; fulfil; complete; execute. (2) form (as words). (3) practise: গলা সাধা. (4) attain/ effect an object; be successful; succeed; prosper; realize; attain one’s object; obtain one’s wishes. (5) gain; obtain; acquire; procure. (6) endeavour/ practise austerely or arduously: মন্ত্র সাধা. (7) offer: ঘুষ সাধা. (8) invite; ask for: সেধে বিপদে পড়া. (9) put forward; offer; create: বাদ সাধা. (10) volunteer; come forward; do something with a good grace; make the first advances: সেধে কথা বলা. (11) entreat; implore; request earnestly; implore; prevail upon somebody: তাকে কতো সাধলাম, সে কিছুতেই রাজি হলো না. (12) try to appease/ pacify: পায়ে ধরে সাধা. (adjective) (1) practised; seasoned: সাধা গলা. (2) offered lovingly; heed out for acceptance: সাধা ভাত. সাধানো (verb transitive) (1) cause to endeavour/ practise arduously or austerely. (2) make somebody to practise. (3) cause to implore/ request earnestly. সাধাসাধি (noun) entreat; plea; earnest request; importunity. সাধাসাধি করা (verb transitive) entreat; implore; make repeated requests.
- Bengali Word সাধারণ English definition (adjective) (1) general; common; belonging/ applicable to all or many; common to all: সাধারণ সভা. (2) ordinary; usual; trite; banal: সাধারণ কথা. (3) public: সাধারণ গ্রন্থাগার. (4) universal: সাধারণ মত. (5) trifling; venial: সাধারণ অপরাধ. (6) generic: সাধারণ নাম. (noun) public; people; commonalty. সাধারণী (feminine). সাধারণ কৃত্যক (noun) general service. সাধারণত, সাধারণতঃ (adverb) generally; usually; commonly; ordinarily. সাধারণতা, সাধারণত্ব (noun) commonness; ordinariness; banality; universality. সাধারণ তন্ত্র (noun) republic. সাধারণ তন্ত্রবাদী, সাধারণ তন্ত্রী noun(s), adjective(s) republican. সাধারণ ধর্ম (noun) common quality; general property/ characteristic. সাধারণভাবে (adverb) generally; usually; in general terms; ordinarily; commonly. সাধারণ শিক্ষা (noun) general education. সাধারণ্য (noun) (1) commonness; universality. (2) general properties/ characteristics. (3) public; people; commonalty.
- Bengali Word সাধিকা English definition (adjective), (noun) (feminine) সাধক
- Bengali Word সাধিত English definition (adjective) (1) brought about; accomplished; performed; attained; completed. (2) (grammar) derived; formed: সাধিত শব্দ. (3) practised/ endeavoured austerely or arduously. (4) proved. সাধিত ধাতু (noun) derivative verb. সাধিত শব্দ (noun) derivative.
- Bengali Word সাধিত্র English definition (noun) means; tool; instrument; apparatus; appliance.
- Bengali Word সাধিষ্ঠ English definition (adjective) most proper/ right; most honest.
- Bengali Word সাধু English definition (adjective) (1) good; excellent; virtuous; honest; pious; righteous; honourable; saintly. (2) wellborn; noble; of honourable/ respectable descent. (3) correct; pure; refined; classical: সাধু ভাষা. (4) proper; appropriate; idiomatic; elegant; chaste; polite: সাধু প্রয়োগ. (noun) (1) saint; holy man; ascetic. (2) trader; usurer; money-lender. (interjection) excellent! bravo! সাধু গিরি (noun) show of righteousness; simulation of piety/ goodness/ honesty; sanctimoniousness. সাধুতা (noun) (1) honesty; uprightness; goodness; righteousness; saintliness; piety; virtuousness; integrity; piousness. (2) correctness; excellence; (3) nobility. সাধুতাচরণ (noun) good conduct; honest/ virtuous/ upright/ good behaviour; practice of piety/ virtue. সাধুবাদ (noun) applause; accolade; praise; approbation; approval; thanksgiving. সাধুবাদ দেওয়া (verb transitive) applaud; praise; acclaim; thank. সাধুবৃত্ত (adjective) having good manners; virtuous; honest. সাধু ভাষা (noun) classical language; elegant/ polished/ chaste language (one of the two styles of Bengali prose (compare চলিত ভাষা). সাধুশীল (adjective) righteous; virtuously inclined; virtuous. সাধু সঙ্গ, সাধু সংসর্গ noun(s) association with the good/ saints and ascetics; company of saints and ascetics; good company. সাধুসম্মত (adjective) approved by the good; honest; virtuous. সাধু সাবধান (literally) O merchant, beware of the thief/ swindler; (figurative) beware of the danger.
- Bengali Word সাধে English definition (adverb) of one’s own accord; willingly; to; nothing: সাধে কি আর বলি...?
- Bengali Word সাধ্বী English definition (adjective) (feminine) of সাধু. (noun) chaste/ virtuous woman; faithful wife.
- Bengali Word সাধ্য English definition (adjective) (1) within one’s power; within the range of one’s capability. (2) capable of being done/ accomplished/ attained; practicable; feasible; attainable. (3) to be accomplished/ brought about/ fulfilled/ effected/ attained. (4) to be proved/ demonstrated. (5) curable. (noun) (1) capability; feasibility; attainability; range of one’s capability: সাধ্যের বাইরে, beyond one’s power. (2) (logic) major term. সাধ্য তা (noun) practicableness; feasibility; curableness; attainability. সাধ্য পক্ষে (adverb) to the best of one’s ability; as much as one can do. সাধ্য পাল (noun) bailiff. সাধ্য বহির্ভূত (adjective) beyond the range of one’s capability; beyond one's power. সাধ্য মতো, সাধ্য মতে, সাধ্যানুরূপ, সাধ্যানুযায়ী (adverb) = সাধ্য পক্ষে. (adjective) within one’s power; within the range of one’s capability. সাধ্য সাধনা (noun) earnest plea/ entreaty; repeated importunities/ solicitations. সাধ্যাতিরিক্ত, সাধ্যাতীত (adjective) = সাধ্য বহির্ভূত. সাধ্যানুসারে (adverb) = সাধ্য পক্ষে. সাধ্যাবয়ব (noun) (logic) major term. সাধ্যাসাধ্য (adjective) practicable and unpracticable.
- Bengali Word সান English definition = শান
- Bengali Word সানক, সানকি English definition [Arabic] noun(s) earthenware plate/ dish.
- Bengali Word সানন্দ English definition (adjective) joyful; glad; happy; pleased. সানন্দে (adverb) joyfully; gladly; with delight/ pleasure; readily; cheerfully; happily.
- Bengali Word সানপেটা English definition (adjective) paved; concrete.
- Bengali Word সানা ১ English definition = শানা ১
- Bengali Word সানা ২ English definition (verb transitive) knead.
- Bengali Word সানাই English definition [Persian] (noun) kind of wooden flute.
- Bengali Word সানানো English definition (verb transitive) cover; suffice: এতো অল্পে সানায় না.
- Bengali Word সানি English definition [Arabic] (adjective) second. (noun) match; equal; the second. সানি বিচার (noun) retrial.
- Bengali Word সানু English definition (noun) table-land; mountain-ridge; plateau; foot of a hill.