OPage 38
- English Word Octopetalous Definition Having eight petals or flower leaves.
- English Word Octopod Definition One of the Octocerata.
- English Word Octopoda Definition Same as Octocerata.
- English Word Octopoda Definition Same as Arachnida.
- English Word Octopodia Definition Same as Octocerata.
- English Word Octopus Definition A genus of eight-armed cephalopods, including numerous species, some of them of large size. See Devilfish,
- English Word Octoradiated Definition Having eight rays.
- English Word Octoroon Definition The offspring of a quadroon and a white person; a mestee.
- English Word Octospermous Definition Containing eight seeds.
- English Word Octostichous Definition In eight vertical ranks, as leaves on a stem.
- English Word Octostyle Definition Having eight columns in the front; -- said of a temple or portico. The Parthenon is octostyle, but most large Greek temples are hexastele. See Hexastyle.
- English Word Octostyle Definition An octostyle portico or temple.
- English Word Octosyllabic Definition Alt. of Octosyllabical
- English Word Octosyllabical Definition Consisting of or containing eight syllables.
- English Word Octosyllable Definition Octosyllabic.
- English Word Octosyllable Definition A word of eight syllables.
- English Word Octoyl Definition A hypothetical radical (C8H15O), regarded as the essential residue of octoic acid.
- English Word Octroi Definition A privilege granted by the sovereign authority, as the exclusive right of trade granted to a guild or society; a concession.
- English Word Octroi Definition A tax levied in money or kind at the gate of a French city on articles brought within the walls.
- English Word Octuor Definition See Octet.