OPage 40
- English Word Oculonasal Definition Of or pertaining to the region of the eye and the nose; as, the oculonasal, or nasal, nerve, one of the branches of the ophthalmic.
- English Word Oculus Definition An eye; (Bot.) a leaf bud.
- English Word Oculus Definition A round window, usually a small one.
- English Word Ocypodian Definition One of a tribe of crabs which live in holes in the sand along the seashore, and run very rapidly, -- whence the name.
- English Word Od Definition An alleged force or natural power, supposed, by Reichenbach and others, to produce the phenomena of mesmerism, and to be developed by various agencies, as by magnets, heat, light, chemical or vital action, etc.; -- called also odyle or the odylic force.
- English Word Odalisque Definition A female slave or concubine in the harem of the Turkish sultan.
- English Word Odd Definition Not paired with another, or remaining over after a pairing; without a mate; unmatched; single; as, an odd shoe; an odd glove.
- English Word Odd Definition Not divisible by 2 without a remainder; not capable of being evenly paired, one unit with another; as, 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, etc., are odd numbers.
- English Word Odd Definition Left over after a definite round number has been taken or mentioned; indefinitely, but not greatly, exceeding a specified number; extra.
- English Word Odd Definition Remaining over; unconnected; detached; fragmentary; hence, occasional; inconsiderable; as, odd jobs; odd minutes; odd trifles.
- English Word Odd Definition Different from what is usual or common; unusual; singular; peculiar; unique; strange.
- English Word Odd Fellow Definition A member of a secret order, or fraternity, styled the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, established for mutual aid and social enjoyment.
- English Word Oddities Definition of Oddity
- English Word Oddity Definition The quality or state of being odd; singularity; queerness; peculiarity; as, oddity of dress, manners, and the like.
- English Word Oddity Definition That which is odd; as, a collection of oddities.
- English Word Oddly Definition In an odd manner; unevently.
- English Word Oddly Definition In a peculiar manner; strangely; queerly; curiously.
- English Word Oddly Definition In a manner measured by an odd number.
- English Word Oddness Definition The state of being odd, or not even.
- English Word Oddness Definition Singularity; strangeness; eccentricity; irregularity; uncouthness; as, the oddness of dress or shape; the oddness of an event.