OPage 43
- English Word Odontoid Definition Of or pertaining to the odontoid bone or to the odontoid process.
- English Word Odontolcae Definition An extinct order of ostrichlike aquatic birds having teeth, which are set in a groove in the jaw. It includes Hesperornis, and allied genera. See Hesperornis.
- English Word Odontolite Definition A fossil tooth colored a bright blue by phosphate of iron. It is used as an imitation of turquoise, and hence called bone turquoise.
- English Word Odontology Definition The science which treats of the teeth, their structure and development.
- English Word Odontophora Definition Same as Cephalophora.
- English Word Odontophore Definition A special structure found in the mouth of most mollusks, except bivalves. It consists of several muscles and a cartilage which supports a chitinous radula, or lingual ribbon, armed with teeth. Also applied to the radula alone. See Radula.
- English Word Odontophorous Definition Having an odontophore.
- English Word Odontoplast Definition An odontoblast.
- English Word Odontopteryx Definition An extinct Eocene bird having the jaws strongly serrated, or dentated, but destitute of true teeth. It was found near London.
- English Word Odontornithes Definition A group of Mesozoic birds having the jaws armed with teeth, as in most other vertebrates. They have been divided into three orders: Odontolcae, Odontotormae, and Saururae.
- English Word Odontostomatous Definition Having toothlike mandibles; -- applied to certain insects.
- English Word Odontotormae Definition An order of extinct toothed birds having the teeth in sockets, as in the genus Ichthyornis. See Ichthyornis.
- English Word Odor Definition Any smell, whether fragrant or offensive; scent; perfume.
- English Word Odorament Definition A perfume; a strong scent.
- English Word Odorant Definition Yielding odors; fragrant.
- English Word Odorate Definition Odorous.
- English Word Odorating Definition Diffusing odor or scent; fragrant.
- English Word Odoriferous Definition Bearing or yielding an odor; perfumed; usually, sweet of scent; fragrant; as, odoriferous spices, particles, fumes, breezes.
- English Word Odorless Definition Free from odor.
- English Word Odorline Definition A pungent oily substance obtained by redistilling bone oil.