OPage 44
- English Word Odorous Definition Having or emitting an odor or scent, esp. a sweet odor; fragrant; sweet-smelling.
- English Word Ods Definition A corruption of God's; -- formerly used in oaths and ejaculatory phrases.
- English Word Odyl Definition Alt. of Odyle
- English Word Odyle Definition See Od. [Archaic].
- English Word Odylic Definition Of or pertaining to odyle; odic; as, odylic force.
- English Word Odyssey Definition An epic poem attributed to Homer, which describes the return of Ulysses to Ithaca after the siege of Troy.
- English Word Oe Definition a diphthong, employed in the Latin language, and thence in the English language, as the representative of the Greek diphthong oi. In many words in common use, e alone stands instead of /. Classicists prefer to write the diphthong oe separate in Latin words.
- English Word Oecoid Definition The colorless porous framework, or stroma, of red blood corpuscles from which the zooid, or hemoglobin and other substances of the corpuscles, may be dissolved out.
- English Word Oecology Definition The various relations of animals and plants to one another and to the outer world.
- English Word Oeconomical Definition See Economical.
- English Word Oeconomics Definition See Economics.
- English Word Oeconomy Definition See Economy.
- English Word Oecumenical Definition See Ecumenical.
- English Word Oedema Definition A swelling from effusion of watery fluid in the cellular tissue beneath the skin or mucous membrance; dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue.
- English Word Oedematous Definition Pertaining to, or of the nature of, edema; affected with edema.
- English Word Oeiliad Definition Alt. of Oeillade
- English Word Oeillade Definition A glance of the eye; an amorous look.
- English Word Oelet Definition An eye, bud, or shoot, as of a plant; an oilet.
- English Word Oenanthate Definition A salt of the supposed /nanthic acid.
- English Word Oenanthic Definition Having, or imparting, the odor characteristic of the bouquet of wine; specifically used, formerly, to designate an acid whose ethereal salts were supposed to occasion the peculiar bouquet, or aroma, of old wine. Cf. Oenanthylic.