VPage 49
- English Word Ventilate Definition To give vent; to utter; to make public.
- English Word Ventilated Definition of Ventilate
- English Word Ventilating Definition of Ventilate
- English Word Ventilation Definition The act of ventilating, or the state of being ventilated; the art or process of replacing foul air by that which is pure, in any inclosed place, as a house, a church, a mine, etc.; free exposure to air.
- English Word Ventilation Definition The act of refrigerating, or cooling; refrigeration; as, ventilation of the blood.
- English Word Ventilation Definition The act of fanning, or winnowing, for the purpose of separating chaff and dust from the grain.
- English Word Ventilation Definition The act of sifting, and bringing out to view or examination; free discussion; public exposure.
- English Word Ventilation Definition The act of giving vent or expression.
- English Word Ventilative Definition Of or pertaining to ventilation; adapted to secure ventilation; ventilating; as, ventilative apparatus.
- English Word Ventilator Definition A contrivance for effecting ventilation; especially, a contrivance or machine for drawing off or expelling foul or stagnant air from any place or apartment, or for introducing that which is fresh and pure.
- English Word Venting Definition of Vent
- English Word Ventose Definition A ventouse.
- English Word Ventose Definition Windy; flatulent.
- English Word Ventose Definition The sixth month of the calendar adopted by the first French republic. It began February 19, and ended March 20. See Vend/miaire.
- English Word Ventosity Definition Quality or state of being ventose; windiness; hence, vainglory; pride.
- English Word Ventouse Definition A cupping glass.
- English Word Ventouse Definition To cup; to use a cupping glass.
- English Word Ventrad Definition Toward the ventral side; on the ventral side; ventrally; -- opposed to dorsad.
- English Word Ventral Definition Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the belly, or ventral side, of an animal or of one of its parts; hemal; abdominal; as, the ventral fin of a fish; the ventral root of a spinal nerve; -- opposed to dorsal.
- English Word Ventral Definition Of or pertaining to that surface of a carpel, petal, etc., which faces toward the center of a flower.