VPage 51
- English Word Ventriloquy Definition Same as Ventriloquism.
- English Word Ventrimeson Definition See Meson.
- English Word Ventro- Definition A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the abdomen; also, connection with, relation to, or direction toward, the ventral side; as, ventrolateral; ventro-inguinal.
- English Word Ventro-inguinal Definition Pertaining both to the abdomen and groin, or to the abdomen and inguinal canal; as, ventro-inguinal hernia.
- English Word Venture Definition An undertaking of chance or danger; the risking of something upon an event which can not be foreseen with certainty; a hazard; a risk; a speculation.
- English Word Venture Definition An event that is not, or can not be, foreseen; an accident; chance; hap; contingency; luck.
- English Word Venture Definition The thing put to hazard; a stake; a risk; especially, something sent to sea in trade.
- English Word Venture Definition To hazard one's self; to have the courage or presumption to do, undertake, or say something; to dare.
- English Word Venture Definition To make a venture; to run a hazard or risk; to take the chances.
- English Word Venture Definition To expose to hazard; to risk; to hazard; as, to venture one's person in a balloon.
- English Word Venture Definition To put or send on a venture or chance; as, to venture a horse to the West Indies.
- English Word Venture Definition To confide in; to rely on; to trust.
- English Word Ventured Definition of Venture
- English Word Venturer Definition One who ventures, or puts to hazard; an adventurer.
- English Word Venturer Definition A strumpet; a prostitute.
- English Word Venturesome Definition Inclined to venture; not loth to run risk or danger; venturous; bold; daring; adventurous; as, a venturesome boy or act.
- English Word Venturine Definition Gold powder for covering varnished surfaces.
- English Word Venturing Definition of Venture
- English Word Venturous Definition Daring; bold; hardy; fearless; venturesome; adveturous; as, a venturous soldier.
- English Word Ventuse Definition See Ventouse.