VPage 93
- English Word Vincentian Definition Of or pertaining to Saint Vincent de Paul, or founded by him.
- English Word Vincentian Definition Same as Lazarist.
- English Word Vincentian Definition A member of certain charitable sisterhoods.
- English Word Vincetoxin Definition A glucoside extracted from the root of the white swallowwort (Vincetoxicum officinale, a plant of the Asclepias family) as a bitter yellow amorphous substance; -- called also asclepiadin, and cynanchin.
- English Word Vincibility Definition The quality or state of being vincible, vincibleness.
- English Word Vincible Definition Capable of being overcome or subdued; conquerable.
- English Word Vincibleness Definition The quality or state of being vincible.
- English Word Vincture Definition A binding.
- English Word Vincula Definition of Vinculum
- English Word Vinculum Definition A bond of union; a tie.
- English Word Vinculum Definition A straight, horizontal mark placed over two or more members of a compound quantity, which are to be subjected to the same operation, as in the expression x2 + y2 - x + y.
- English Word Vinculum Definition A band or bundle of fibers; a fraenum.
- English Word Vinculum Definition A commissure uniting the two main tendons in the foot of certain birds.
- English Word Vinculums Definition of Vinculum
- English Word Vindemial Definition Of or pertaining to a vintage, or grape harvest.
- English Word Vindemiate Definition To gather the vintage.
- English Word Vindemiation Definition The operation of gathering grapes.
- English Word Vindicable Definition Capable of being vindicated.
- English Word Vindicate Definition To lay claim to; to assert a right to; to claim.
- English Word Vindicate Definition To maintain or defend with success; to prove to be valid; to assert convincingly; to sustain against assault; as, to vindicate a right, claim, or title.