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- English Word Vindicate Definition To support or maintain as true or correct, against denial, censure, or objections; to defend; to justify.
- English Word Vindicate Definition To maintain, as a law or a cause, by overthrowing enemies.
- English Word Vindicate Definition To liberate; to set free; to deliver.
- English Word Vindicate Definition To avenge; to punish; as, a war to vindicate or punish infidelity.
- English Word Vindicated Definition of Vindicate
- English Word Vindicating Definition of Vindicate
- English Word Vindication Definition The act of vindicating, or the state of being vindicated; defense; justification against denial or censure; as, the vindication of opinions; his vindication is complete.
- English Word Vindication Definition The claiming a thing as one's own; the asserting of a right or title in, or to, a thing.
- English Word Vindicative Definition Tending to vindicate; vindicating; as, a vindicative policy.
- English Word Vindicative Definition Revengeful; vindictive.
- English Word Vindicator Definition One who vindicates; one who justifies or maintains.
- English Word Vindicatory Definition Tending or serving to vindicate or justify; justificatory; vindicative.
- English Word Vindicatory Definition Inflicting punishment; avenging; punitory.
- English Word Vindictive Definition Disposed to revenge; prompted or characterized by revenge; revengeful.
- English Word Vindictive Definition Punitive.
- English Word Vine Definition Any woody climbing plant which bears grapes.
- English Word Vine Definition Hence, a climbing or trailing plant; the long, slender stem of any plant that trails on the ground, or climbs by winding round a fixed object, or by seizing anything with its tendrils, or claspers; a creeper; as, the hop vine; the bean vine; the vines of melons, squashes, pumpkins, and other cucurbitaceous plants.
- English Word Vine-clad Definition Covered with vines.
- English Word Vineal Definition Of or pertaining to vines; containing vines.
- English Word Vined Definition Having leaves like those of the vine; ornamented with vine leaves.