আ পৃষ্ঠা ২৭
- Bengali Word আমা ২ English definition (Archaic) (pronoun) (1) I; me. (2) I myself; myself. (3) me; to me.
- Bengali Word আমাকে, আমায় English definition (pronoun) me; to me.
- Bengali Word আমাতিসার English definition (noun) dysentery; amoebic/bacillary dysentery.
- Bengali Word আমাদিগকে English definition (pronoun) us; to us.
- Bengali Word আমাদিগের English definition (pronoun) of us; ours.
- Bengali Word আমাদের English definition (pronoun) our; of us; ours; us; to us.
- Bengali Word আমান ১ English definition [Arabic] (noun) security; shelter; protection: ফি আমানিল্লাহ্ [আমান + আল্লাহ]. let Allah protect you.
- Bengali Word আমান ২ English definition [Arabic] (noun) whole; entire; unbroken; uncut: আমান-কেক.
- Bengali Word আমানত English definition [Arabic] (noun) deposit; credit; trust property. (adjective) deposited; place in one’s custody.
- Bengali Word আমানতি, আমানতী English definition (adjective) what has been placed under custody. আমানতি করা/রাখা (verb transitive) deposit; place in one’s custody. আমানতিদার [Arabic আমানত + Persian দার] (noun) one in whose custody (something) is placed; one who keeps (something) in trust.
- Bengali Word আমামা English definition [Arabic] (noun) head-dress; turban.
- Bengali Word আমার English definition (pronoun) my; mine.
- Bengali Word আমাশয়, আমাশা English definition (colloquial) dysentery.
- Bengali Word আমি English definition (pronoun) l. (noun) the soul; the ego. (2) egoism; pride; vanity.
- Bengali Word আমিন ১, আমীন ১ English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) land surveyor. (2) supervising officer; overseer; superintendent. (adjective) truthfull; trustworthy.
- Bengali Word আমিন ২, আমীন ২, আমেন English definition [Arabic] (interjection) so be it; be it so; amen.
- Bengali Word আমির, আমীর English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) wealthy nobleman; rich and high-born Muslim. (2) title of the king of Afghanistan. (3) prince; courtier; Amir; Ameer. আমির-ওমরা/উমরাহ্ [Arabic] (noun) (plural) ((singular) আমির, (plural) ওমরা) princes; courtiers; noblemen. আমির-জাদা [Arabic আমির + Persian যাদা] (noun) son of an Amir; prince. (adjective) (ironic) lazy; averse to work.
- Bengali Word আমিরানা, আমিরি English definition (noun) high style/ostentatious way of living; show of wealth: গরিবের আবার অত আমিরানা কেন?
- Bengali Word আমিরুল মুমেনিন English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) leader of the faithful. (2) appellation of the caliphs who succeeded Prophet Muhammad (sm).
- Bengali Word আমিল English definition [Arabic] (noun) officer; employee.