আ পৃষ্ঠা ২৪
- Bengali Word আবাল্য English definition (adverb) from childhood/infancy.
- Bengali Word আবাস English definition (noun) residence; abode; dwelling place; habitation.
- Bengali Word আবাসিক English definition (adjective) residential; resident; residing: আবাসিক ছাত্র. আবাসিক বিদ্যালয় (noun) school where the students have to stay compulsorily at the attached hostels; residential school.
- Bengali Word আবাহন English definition (noun) (1) invocation; call. (2) invitation. আবাইিত (adjective). আবাহনী (adjective) invocatory; relating to invocation/invitation. (noun) song of welcome.
- Bengali Word আবিদ, আবেদ English definition [Arabic] (adjective) worshipping; worshipful; devotee; devout.
- Bengali Word আবির English definition (noun) (S (compare) Arabic আবীর ) kind of perfumed red powder which the Hindus throw at each other during the Holi festival.
- Bengali Word আবির্ভাব English definition (noun) (1) appearance; coming into view: চাঁদের আবির্ভাব. (2) outbreak: কলেরার আবির্ভাব. (3) advent; arrival; birth, উনবিংশ শতাব্দীতে এক মহান সমাজ সংস্কারকের আবির্ভাব ঘটে: আবির্ভূত (adjective) appeared; become manifest; come into existence. আবির্ভূত হওয়া (verb intransitive) appear; arrive; be born; become manifest; install oneself.
- Bengali Word আবিল English definition (adjective) (1) defiled; polluted. (2) dirty; filthy; foul. আবিলতা dirtiness; filthiness; turbidity; foulness.
- Bengali Word আবিষ্কার English definition (noun) (1) act of discovering/inventing. (2) the thing discovered/invented. আবিষ্কার করা (verb transitive) discover; invent; explore. আবিষ্কর্তা, আবিষ্কারক (noun) discover; inventor; designer; explorer. আবিষ্কর্ত্রী (feminine) = আবিষ্কার. আবিষ্কৃত (adjective) discovered; invented; brought to light.
- Bengali Word আবিষ্ট English definition (adjective) (1) overwhelmed (with) (বিস্ময়াবিষ্ট). (2) thoroughly engrossed or absorbed in. (3) possessed (by) (ভূতাবিষ্ট). (4) overcast/pervaded (with) ( মেঘাবিষ্ট).
- Bengali Word আবিয়ে English definition (adjective) (rare) unmarried.
- Bengali Word আবীর English definition আবির (noun) (1) appearance; coming into view: চাঁদের আবির্ভাব.
- Bengali Word আবু English definition [Arabic] (noun) father.
- Bengali Word আবুয়াব English definition আবওয়াব
- Bengali Word আবৃত English definition (adjective) (1) covered; enveloped; veiled. (2) surrounded; encircled. (3) concealed; overcast/pervaded with (মেঘাবৃত). আবৃতি (noun) covering; fencing; enclosure.
- Bengali Word আবৃত্তি English definition (noun) (1) recitation; recital. (2) act of reading over and over again. (3) repetition; return; recurrence (পুনরাবৃত্তি). আবৃত্তি করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) recite; reproduce from memory; repeat.
- Bengali Word আবে কওসর, আব-ই-কওসর English definition [Persian আব + Arabic কওসর] (noun) water of the heavenly spring, Qawser (described in the Qoran).
- Bengali Word আবে হায়াত, আব-ই-হায়াত English definition [Persian আব + Arabic হায়াত] (noun) elixir of life.
- Bengali Word আবে-জমজম, আব-এ-জমজম English definition [আব Persian +Arabic যম্যম্] (noun) water of the holy Zamzam well of Mecca.
- Bengali Word আবেগ English definition (noun) (1) impulse; emotion; passion (ভাবাবেগ). (2) anxiety; worry; mental agitation (শোকাবেগ). (3) eagerness; haste; speed: মনের আবেগ. আবেগপূর্ণ (adjective) impassioned; passionate. আবেগশূন্য, আবেগহীন (adjective) passionless; dispassionate. আবেগ আবেগোচ্ছ্বাস (noun) outburst of passion; passionate outburst.