আ পৃষ্ঠা ৩৩
- Bengali Word আলকাটা English definition = আল ২
- Bengali Word আলকাতরা English definition [Portuguese আলকাতরাও, Arabic আল-কৎর] (noun) thick and sticky black liquid obtained from coal, etc used as coating on wood and in the preparation of road surface; tar.
- Bengali Word আলকেমি English definition [Arabic] (noun) the science of chemistry.
- Bengali Word আলখাল্লা, আলখেল্লা English definition [Arabic] (noun) longskirted tunic; loose cloak.
- Bengali Word আলগা English definition (adjective) (1) free; separate; detached: আলগা কাপড়. (2) loose; lax; untied: খোঁপা আলগা করা. (3) unfastened; unbolted: আলগা দরজা. (4) slack; not tight: আলগা গেরো. (5) bare; naked: আলগাগা. (6) insincere; unnecessary; uncalled-for: আলগা সোহাগ. (7) uncontrolled; unrestrained; unbridled: আলগাজিভ. (8) unconnected; unrelated: আলগা লোক. (adverb) away; at or to a distance: আলগা থাকা. আলগা আলগা থাকা (verb intransitive) to keep a distance.
- Bengali Word আলগোছ English definition (adjective) (1) untouched; without contact: আলগোছে রাখা. (2) without support. আলগোছে (adverb) cautiously; with circumspection.
- Bengali Word আলঙ্কারিক, আলংকারিক English definition (adjective) (1) pertaining to rhetoric; rhetorical; figurative. (2) versed in poetics/rhetoric. (3) author of a treatise on rhetoric. (noun) (1) rhetorician. (2) (rare) jeweller.
- Bengali Word আলজিভ, আলজিহ্বা English definition (noun) small piece of fleshy matter at the root of the tongue; the uvula: the epiglottis.
- Bengali Word আলতমগা English definition [Turkish] (noun) (1) royal signature or seal. (2) an estate held in return for military service; a fief. (3) a medal.
- Bengali Word আলতা English definition (noun) lac-dye used by women to paint the borders of the feet.
- Bengali Word আলতারাফ English definition [Arabic] (noun) metal fastening for closing a door, window. etc; a hasp; a clasp.
- Bengali Word আলতু-ফালতু English definition (adjective) of little value/importance; worthless: আলতু-ফালতু লোক; meaningless; useless: আলতু-ফালতু কথা.
- Bengali Word আলতো English definition (adjective) soft; light; not forceful: আলতো হাতে. (adverb) (also আলতোভাবে) loosely.
- Bengali Word আলনা English definition [English] (noun) stand for clothes; dress-stand; clothes-horse .
- Bengali Word আলপনা, আলিপনা English definition (noun) (1) auspicious white paint on the floor, walls, etc with liquid pigment of rice-powder according to indigenous traditon.
- Bengali Word আলপাকা English definition [English] (noun) (1) Kind of sheep found in South America; the alpaca. (2) cloth made of the alpaca-wool: আলপাকা কোট.
- Bengali Word আলপিন English definition (noun) [Portuguese] pointed piece of steel wire with a round head used for fastening pieces of paper, etc; a pin.
- Bengali Word আলফাজ, আলফাজ English definition [Arabic] (noun) (plural) (singular লফ্য্) words.
- Bengali Word আলবত, আলবৎ English definition [Arabic] (adverb) certainly; of course; surely: আলবত দেবো.
- Bengali Word আলবাল English definition (noun) ridge of earth set up round the root of a tree for watering.