উ পৃষ্ঠা ২
- Bengali Word উকিল English definition [Arabic] (noun) (1) professional representative in legal cases; a lawyer; a pleader; an advocate; a barrister. (2) agent or representative in a Muslim marriage who discharges the responsibility of conveying the bride’s consent to the marriage to the bridegroom.
- Bengali Word উকুন English definition (noun) parasitic of hair; the louse (plural) lice)).
- Bengali Word উক্ত English definition (adjective) (1) what has been said/expressed. (2) mentioned; referred to. (3) uttered.
- Bengali Word উক্তি English definition (noun) expression of a fact or opinion; that which is stated; a statement.
- Bengali Word উকড়া, উকড়ো, উখড়া English definition (noun) pop-rice coated/sweetened with sugar or molasses.
- Bengali Word উখা English definition (noun) (1) cooking pot. (2) oven.
- Bengali Word উখা২ English definition (noun) metal tool having sharp serrated surface used for scraping; a coarse file; a rasp.
- Bengali Word উখড়নো, উখড়ানো, ওখড়ানো English definition (verb intransitive) uproot. (noun) extirpation. (adjective) uprooted; extirpated.
- Bengali Word উগলানো, ওগরানো English definition (verb transitive), (verb intransitive) (1) eject from the throat; disgorge; vomit. (2) (figurative) give up; hand over, surrender (something) taken wrongfully): চোরাইমাল উগলানো. (3) (figurative) give out/confess secrets. (4) (figurative) put down in an answer-script what has been committed to memory (without serious study).
- Bengali Word উগ্র English definition (adjective) (1) easily angered; peevish; impatient: উগ্র স্বভাব. (2) strong; bitter; deadly; fatal: উগ্রবিষ. (3) severe; excessive; terrible: উগ্রতাপ. (4) harsh; hoarse; rough: উগ্রকণ্ঠ. (5) cruel; hard-hearted; merciless. (6) extreme; most violent: উগ্রপন্থী, উগ্রা (feminine). উগ্রকণ্ঠ, উগ্রস্বর (adjective) having a hoarse or grating voice; raucous. উগ্রকণ্ঠে, উগ্রস্বরে (adverb) in a harsh/angry voice; raucously. উগ্রকর্মা (adjective) one who performs cruel or violent deeds at ease/without feeling qualms of conscience. উগ্রচণ্ডা, উগ্রচণ্ডী (noun) (feminine) (1) hot-tempered and quarrelsome woman. (2) appellation of goddess Durga in a terrible form; (adjective) (feminine) terrible; violent. উগ্রতা (noun) severity; sharpness; fierceness; extremity. উগ্রপন্থা = (noun) extremism. উগ্রপন্থী (noun) one holding extreme trims or advocating extreme action; extremist. উগ্রমূর্তি (adjective) having an angry-look.
- Bengali Word উগ্রবাদ English definition (noun) extremism. the holding of extreme political or religious views; fanaticism.
- Bengali Word উগ্রবাদী English definition (noun) extremist. one holding extreme trims or advocating extreme action; extremist.
- Bengali Word উচক্কা English definition (adjective) (1) advancing to manhood; adolescent. উচক্কা বয়স youthful age; adolescence. (2) unruly; unmanageable; obstinate: উচক্কা ছোঁড়া. (adverb) suddenly; all at once: উচক্কা আগমন.
- Bengali Word উচল English definition (adjective)(poetic) high; lofty.
- Bengali Word উচাটন English definition (adjective) anxious; agitated; restless: উচাটন মন. (noun) anxiety; worry.
- Bengali Word উচিত English definition (adjective) (1) what is proper to be done; right. (2) fitting; becoming; worthy. (3) apt; appropriate; just. ঔচিত্য (noun). উচিত কথা the right thing; the truth. উচিত বক্তা straightforward in speech; outspoken: উচিত ব্যবহার just treatment; fair deal.
- Bengali Word উচ্চ English definition (adjective) (1) elevated; high; lofty: উচ্চ পর্বত. (2) exalted; generous; noble: উচ্চমন. (3) high-born; aristocratic: উচ্চবংশ. (4) costly; dear: উচ্চমূল্য. (5) elevated in rank or office; senior; superior: উচ্চপদ/উচ্চ কর্মচারী. (6) high-pitched; loud: উচ্চ স্বর. উচ্চ আশা desire for prosperity/superiority; ambition. কণ্ঠ (noun) high-pitched voice. (adjective) having a high-pitched tone/voice. উচ্চকণ্ঠে (adverb) at the top of one’s voice; loudly. উচ্চগ্রাম (noun) (music) higher scale of a note. উচ্চতম (adjective) (superlative) highest; loftiest. উচ্চতর (adjective) (comparative) higher; loftier. উচ্চতা (noun) height; altitude; elevation. উচ্চনাদ (noun) loud sound/noise. উচ্চনাদী (adjective) high-sounding; loud. উচ্চ নীচ (adjective) high and low; up and down; undulating. উচ্চপদ (noun) high office; exalted position: উচ্চপদস্থ কর্মচারী high/higher/top-ranking officer. উচ্চবাচ্য (noun) (1) act of responding; response. (2) protest; objection. (3) raising a proposal or claiming (something). উচ্চবাচ্য না করা make no comment; raise no objection; keep quiet/silent. উচ্চরোল (noun) loud noise; clamour; uproar. উচ্চহার (noun) high rate. উচ্চহারে (adverb) at a high rate. উচ্চহাসি/উচ্চহাস্য (noun) loud laugh; laughter.
- Bengali Word উচ্চকিত English definition (adjective) (1) anxious; worried. (2) agitated; restless.
- Bengali Word উচ্চগ্রাম English definition = উচ্চ
- Bengali Word উচ্চণ্ড English definition [উৎ+চণ্ড] (adjective) (1) violent. (2) angry; hot-tempered. (3) fierce; furious; outrageous. (4) terrible; severe.