উ পৃষ্ঠা ৯
- Bengali Word উদ্বোধন English definition (noun) act of opening/inaugurating/with suitable ceremonies: উদ্বোধন অনুষ্ঠান, opening ceremony. উদ্বোধন করা (verb transitive) inaugurate. উদ্বোধনী (adjective) relating to the opening ceremony: উদ্বোধনী সঙ্গীত.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভট English definition (adjective) (1) out of the ordinary; unusual; peculiar: উদ্ভট কাণ্ড. (2) bizarre; fantastic; eccentric: উদ্ভট কল্পনা.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভব English definition (noun) the process of being originated; the act of coming into existence; rise; origin; birth.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভাবন English definition (noun) act of inventing or contriving new things. উদ্ভাবন করা (verb transitive) devise or produce (something) that did not exist before; invent; contrive; design. উপায় উদ্ভাবন করা find a way of doing (something). উদ্ভাবক (noun) an inventor; a contriver; a designer. উদ্ভাবিত (adjective) invented; devised; designed; produced.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভাস English definition (noun) brightness shooting in rays; lustre; radiance; glow; illumination. উদ্ভাসিত (adjective) brightened up; illuminated. উদ্ভাসিত করা (verb transitive) illuminate; brighten up.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভিজ্জ English definition (adjective) produced or derived from a plant/vegetables. উদ্ভিজ্জ তেল vegetable oil. উদ্ভিদ (noun) that which grows or shoots up from beneath the surface of the earth; trees; plants; shrubs; vegetables, etc. উদ্ভিজ্জ বিদ্যা (noun) the science which treats of plants; Botany.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভিদ English definition (noun) that which grows or shoots up from beneath the surface of the earth; trees; plants; shrubs; vegetables, etc.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভিন্ন English definition (adjective) (1) sprouted; germinated. (2) fully developed; full-blown. উদ্ভিন্ন যৌবন (adjective) in the bloom of youth. উদ্ভিন্ন যৌবনা (feminine) = উদ্ভিন্ন.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভূত English definition (adjective) what has arisen/developed/sprung up. উদ্ভূত হওয়া (verb intransitive) arise; spring up; develop; come into view. উদ্ভূত পরিস্থিতি (noun) circumstances as obtaining. উদ্ভূত পরিস্থিতিতে (adverb) in the prevailing circumstances.
- Bengali Word উদ্ভেদ English definition (noun) (1) a shoot of a bud, plant, etc; act of shooting/blooming: পুষ্পোদ্ভেদ (পুষ্প+উদ্ভেদ), অঙ্কুরোদ্ভেদ (অঙ্কুর+উদ্ভেদ). (2) outcrop of a boil; tumour, etc. over the skin. (3) revelation; appearance; manifestation (যৌবনোদ্ভেদ).
- Bengali Word উদ্যত English definition (adjective) (1) ready/prepared/about to (do (something)); on the point of (doing a thing): আঘাত করতে উদ্যত. উদ্যত হওয়া (verb transitive) attempt (to do (something)). (2) raised; lifted; held up: উদ্যত কৃপাণ.
- Bengali Word উদ্যম English definition (noun) (1) ardent zeal; enthusiasm; perseverance (ভগ্নোদ্যম). (2) effort; endeavour; enterprise; attempt; exertion (নিরুদ্যম). উদ্যমশীল, উদ্যমী (adjective) enthusiastic; enterprising; persevering; diligent.
- Bengali Word উদ্যান English definition (noun) a garden, park or grove; a delightful spot for recreation. উদ্যান পালন (noun) the act or art of cultivating gardens; horticulture; gardening.
- Bengali Word উদ্যোক্তা English definition (noun) one who takes the initiative or makes necessary preparations for doing (something).
- Bengali Word উদ্যোগ English definition (noun) effort; endeavour; enterprise. উদ্যোগ গ্রহণ করা, উদ্যোগী হওয়া (verb transitive) take the initiative.
- Bengali Word উদ্রেক English definition (noun) incitement; rousing; excitement: ঘৃণার উদ্রেক, ক্ষুধার উদ্রেক. উদ্রেক করা (verb transitive) cause to feel; stir up the feelings; excite; incite; rouse.
- Bengali Word উদ্গত, উদগত English definition (adjective) sprung up; sprouted. (noun) উদ্গম sprouting; shooting forth. উদ্গতকর্ম (noun) (sculpture) art of carving in which the figures stand out from the background; relief-work.
- Bengali Word উদ্গাতা English definition (noun) reciter of the prayers of Sama Veda. (adjective) singing in a loud voice; (figurative) exponent of a message, etc: মুক্তিমন্ত্রের মহা উদ্গাতা. উদ্গাত্রী (feminine) = উদ্গাতা.
- Bengali Word উদ্গার English definition (noun) (1) ejection of wind, etc from the stomach; a belch; a hiccup; eructation; vomitting. উদ্গার তোলা (verb transitive) belch; eruct; eructate; hiccup; vomit. (2) emitting of smoke, etc.: ধূম্রোদ্গার (ধূম্র+উদ্গার). (3) venting or expressing (grievances, etc): বিষোদ্গার (বিষ+উদ্গার).
- Bengali Word উদ্গিরণ, উদগিরণ English definition (noun) act of casting out; vomiting; belching; eructation. উদ্গিরণ করা (verb transitive) disgorge, vomit, eructate; belch.