উ পৃষ্ঠা ৩
- Bengali Word উচ্চবাচ্য English definition = উচ্চ
- Bengali Word উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা English definition (noun) ardent desire for some high attainment; ambition; aspiration. উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষী (adjective) ambitious; aspiring. উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষিণী (feminine) = উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষী.
- Bengali Word উচ্চাভিলাষ English definition = উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা. উচ্চাভিলাষী (adjective) = উচ্চাভিলাষ. উচ্চাভিলাষিণী (feminine) উচ্চাভিলাষী.
- Bengali Word উচ্চারণ English definition (noun) (1) act of oral expression; articulation; utterance: এমন কথা উচ্চারণ কোরো না. (2) mode of pronouncing; pronunciation: উচ্চারণ বিভ্রাট. (3) manner or style of speaking. উচ্চারণ করা (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) utter; pronounce; express; speak out. উচ্চারণতত্ত্ব (noun) linguistic study dealing with the sounds of speech; phonetics. উচ্চারণ বিভ্রাট (noun) (1) wrong or corrupted pronunciation. (2) perversion in spelling or meaning due to wrong pronunciation. উচ্চারণস্থান (noun) part of the mouth that produces a particular speech sound; point of articulation. উচ্চারণীয়, উচ্চার্য (adjective) that which is to be/should be pronounced or uttered. উচ্চারিত (adjective) uttered; pronounced; Spoken. উচ্চার্যমান (adjective) what is being uttered/pronounced/expressed.
- Bengali Word উচ্চিংড়া English definition (noun) (1) insect that makes a creaking sound; the cricket. (2) (figurative) person of quick-temper.
- Bengali Word উচ্চৈঃ English definition (adjective) indicating elevation, loftiness, abundance, excess, etc. উচ্চৈঃস্বর (noun) vocal utterance of high sound; loud voice; shout; outcry. উচ্চৈঃস্বরে (adverb) aloud; loudly; at the top of one’s voice.
- Bengali Word উচ্ছন্ন English definition = উৎসন্ন
- Bengali Word উচ্ছল English definition (adjective) (1) that which is overflowing/surging up/swelling up. (2) spread/diffused all over; all-pervading. (3) passionate; emotional; throbbing; restless: উচ্ছল যৌবন. উচ্ছলন (noun) act of surging/swelling up. উচ্ছলিত (adjective) that has surged/swelled up.
- Bengali Word উচ্ছিষ্ট English definition (noun) (of food) left-overs/remains of a meal; scraps of food (also উচ্ছিষ্টান্ন. উচ্ছিষ্টভোগী (adjective) (1) one who eats the remains of another’s meal. (2) (figurative) hanging on others.
- Bengali Word উচ্ছৃঙ্খল English definition [উৎ+শৃঙ্খল] (adjective) (1) one who is not disciplined in his day to day life; irregular unregulated. (2) unrestrained; licentious; wayward; perverse. (3) one whose mode of living is unconventional/Bohemian. উচ্ছৃঙ্খলতা (noun) (1) licentiousness; perversity. (2) disorderliness; indiscipline; lawlessness.
- Bengali Word উচ্ছে English definition (noun) kind of vegetable having bitter taste.
- Bengali Word উচ্ছেদ English definition (noun) (1) eviction; ejectment. (2) eradication; extirpation; destruction; abolition. উচ্ছেদ করা (verb transitive) evict; uproot; eradicate; extirpate; destroy. সমূলে উচ্ছেদ করা uproot; eradicate; destroy root (one) from hereditary homestead. উচ্ছেদক (adjective) one who/that which ejects/evicts/eradicates. (noun) ejector; evictor; eradicator; extirpator; destroyer.
- Bengali Word উচ্ছোসন English definition (noun) (1) act of sucking/drying up. (2) act of causing affliction; afflicting. উচ্ছোসিত (adjective) (1) sucked/dried up. (2) afflicted. উচ্ছোসক (noun) blotting paper.
- Bengali Word উচ্ছ্বসিত English definition (adjective) seized with over-mastering delight or sorrow; swollen; inspired উচ্ছ্বসিত ক্রন্দন, উচ্ছ্বসিত প্রশংসা.
- Bengali Word উচ্ছ্বাস English definition (noun) (1) emotional or passionate outburst; strong emotion/passion. (2) joy; jubilation; delight. (3) manifestation; expression.
- Bengali Word উছল, উছলিত English definition (adjective) (1) that which is swelling up/surging out; overflowing. (2) seized with emotion/anxiety; swollen; overwhelmed. উছলানো, উছলনো (verb intransitive), (verb transitive) increase in size, bulk or volume; swell up (with); be puffed up (with).
- Bengali Word উজবক, উজবুক English definition [Turkish] (noun) native of Tartary; a Tatar (or Tartar). (adjective) (1) stupid. (2) uncouth.
- Bengali Word উজান English definition (noun) (1) course against the stream; upstream course. (2) high tide; flow tide. উজান ভাটি (noun) flow-tide and ebb-tide; flow and ebb. উজানো (verb intransitive) (1) go or sail upstream/against the current; take a contrary course. (2) get over; cross. উজানে (adverb) up a river; against the stream; upstream.
- Bengali Word উজাড় English definition [Hindi] (adjective) (1) exhausted; emptied: যা ছিল উজাড় করে দিয়েছি. (2) depopulated; desolate: মহামারীতে গ্রাম উজাড় হয়েছে.
- Bengali Word উজির English definition [Arabic] (noun) a minister or adviser to a Muslim king (Sultan) (as in former times). উজিরে আলা Chief Minister. উজিরে আজম Prime Minister.